Asylum (Sam)

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This imagine is inspired on S07E17 - The Born-Again Identity.
I've made it my own thing and more like an imagine so 👌👍

🎶: 'Ghost Town' by Adam Lambert


Sam rested his head on the top back bar of the bed. He was extremely tired but he couldn't sleep. He wouldn't let him... His hallucination wouldn't.

"So Sam... I think having sleep would be great but, take a look at this book!" Lucifer said and smiled smugly. Sam just ignored him. His attention was taken by footsteps approaching his room.

There. It was her again. The mysterious girl that always stands or passes by Sam's door, watching him.

She stood there like always. Sam thought she was beautiful but she was starting to creep him out.

"Who are-Wait!" Sam said tiredly. He got up from his bed with struggle and went over to the door. The girl was on her way but Sam reached out and held her arm.

"Wait, why do you... Keep doing that?" Sam was extremely tired, "Why do watch me everyday? Even in group therapy..." She frowned, unaware that her actions had been creeping the guy out. She didn't have a bad intention.

"I uh, I have trouble telling the difference between real and unreal," You confessed and he raised his eyebrows. "What?" Sam said.

"It's stupid. I have... Schizophrenia. When I see a hallucination they usually have some glitch, I guess you can call it," She explained, "Usually some feature of them twitches, like their hand or leg or eye. It's extremely discreet but..."

She stood there awkwardly. "I thought... I thought you were a h-hallucination," You told but regretted saying it, "I'm sorry, I don't want to sound offensive. I just... I should go." Sam intervened as she turned to walk away.

"Wait, it's fine," Sam blinked slowly, "I'm Sam. What's your name?" She fidgeted with her hands. "[y/n]," You said, smiling a bit. "That's a nice name," Sam said and smiled warmly.

"So... I've told you what I'm here for. What's your story?" You asked and sat on his bed, suddenly feeling more friendly around him. "I uh..." Sam hesitated, "I sort of have voices that um, don't let me sleep."

You raised your eyebrow, a bit surprised and a bit pitiful. "Oh so who's bothering you?" You asked curiously, "Someone that evil must be a devil." You chuckled. Sam laughed nervously, "Yeah it's basically that." You frowned, suddenly feeling bad for saying it as a joke.

"That's horrible," You commented, "Well we're similar then. I have imaginary people pestering me and you... The devil is bothering you."

Sam nodded in confirmation. "Our lives suck," You said and sighed. Sam frowned.

"Shut up asshole," You said sternly but widened your eyes in embarrassment when you realized you said it aloud.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't saying that to you," You said to Sam who was looking at you hurtfully, "It's Stephenal... He can be annoying sometimes."

You turned around and showed your middle finger to your 'friend'. He is your friend but right now, he was teasing you about how Sam is a hot guy and you both should get together.

More than creeped out, Sam looked at you with sympathy. You and him were pretty similar.


Two weeks passed by and your relationship with Sam Winchester grew into one of close intimacy. You learnt everything about him, his life and how he got here in the asylum after getting hit by a car.

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