Terrible Twos (Jensen)

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You walked onto stage, immediately welcomed by the crowd watching. Jensen was by your side, holding your hand tightly as he waved to the fans.

"Hi everyone!" He said, which quietened the crowd. "Hi Jensen and [y/n]!" They said in unison. This was the first panel where you and Jensen were the only cast members on stage.

"How's everyone doing?" You said into the microphone. Everyone replied by saying 'Good!'. You smiled. You liked being on stage alone with your husband. "So who's got some questions?!" Jensen said and the fans cheered loudly.


"...In summary, being with [y/n] and acting next to her is really motivating and just... Fun!" Jensen said and you kissed him on the cheek. Everyone 'aw'ed.

"Okay can we have-"


You were greeted by a small person running across the stage then stopping and hugging your legs tightly.

You looked down and raised your eyebrows, then looked at Jensen. It was your 3 year old son.

"Baby what's wrong?" You said as you picked him up. "I don't... I don't wanna be with Uncle Ja-wed anymore," He said and frowned, "He finished all the games."

You smiled softly. "And Uncle Ja-wed... Uncle Ja-wed won't let me eat any candy!" He complained and crossed his arms. The crowd listened silently, with grins on their faces. Jensen walked over to you and looked at his son.

"And what makes you think that we would allow you?" Jensen said and winked at you. "Because... Because..." It was at that moment that your son noticed the hundreds of people in the large room, watching the stage. He froze, looking at all the flashing cameras and people smiling.

"I think he just figured out that his parents aren't the only ones here," You said and everyone greeted your son in unison. He immediately hugged onto your neck, completely shy. You smiled, whispering into his ear that all the people here are friends.

You put him down after telling him that, "Mommy and Daddy have some work to do right now". He nodded then ran to his daddy and hugged his leg. Jensen ruffled his soft brown hair a bit then gave him his phone to play with. He didn't unlock it so all that was there to do was look at the lock screen and swipe the screen.

"Hi Jensen and [y/n]... And [y/s/n]," The fan smiled and greeted, "My question is that does it get hectic with both of you working and then having your son?"

You looked at your son then answered, "Well, it is hard no doubt. It's really hurts both Jensen and I when we have to leave for filming or come to a convention and stuff like that because we can't take [y/s/n] with us all the time."

"Yeah, it's never that much fun without my boy," He tickled his son, which made the phone in his hand fall down. It made a loud 'Thud!' sound when it hit the stage floor.

"Uh-oh," Your son said and you smiled.

Jensen bent down a bit and reached to pick the phone up, "You dropped Daddy's phone! Oh no!" Your son giggled softly. Jensen crossed his legs and sat down next to his son.

"When [y/s/n] was about six months old, it was that time of the year where we needed to go for filming," You continued the answer, "Of course he was too small, I didn't want to leave him with anyone."

"That I think was an exciting and different time for the cast and crew," Jensen said, "They were so happy with [y/s/n] around." You nodded, missing those few months where you were working and your son was with you.

He started laughing loudly. You turned your head sharply, surprised by your son's sudden giggling.

Jensen looked behind him and smiled, his eyebrows raised. "Oh look, it's Jared," He said and was a bit surprised by the way his friend was acting. Jared was attempting to bring your son to him by making faces and doing gestures, so that you and Jensen could continue the panel.

Your son continued to laugh. "Jared just come on stage!" You said and he hesitantly walked onto stage, immediately greeted by the crowd watching.

"H-Hi guys," Jared said after Jensen gave his microphone to him. "I think I've just found out that Jared isn't as good of a babysitter as I thought!" You said and he raised his hands in defeat.

"Well your son is just... He has no end to his energy!" Jared said and you smiled. Right now, your son was running around the stage pretending that his daddy's phone was an airplane.

Everyone watched him till your son realised the hundred pairs of eyes looking at him. "What?" He said and smiled shyly. You ruffled his hair a bit and he hugged your legs.

"He's so cute isn't he? He's like one of those little Teddy bears. You just want to stuff him in your pocket and take him home with you," Jensen said as he watched his son, "But he is so mischievous! [y/n] and I barely get a break from him, uh-"

Your son poked his head between his daddy's legs, acting as if they were a bridge. He squeezed himself through and Jensen was forced to open his legs.

"You see what I mean!" Jensen said and picked his son up quickly and tickled his stomach. [y/s/n] laughed aloud, "D-Daddy... Ple-eeeaase s-stop." You smiled and put an end to their 'tickle battle'.

"I think that is enough!" You raised your eyebrows and grinned, "I don't think the fans have come here to watch you tickle your baby boy."

Jensen put his son down and knelt down, "Would you like to say something to everyone?" He moved the microphone closer to [y/s/n]'s mouth.

"It's something about... About you and mommy!" Your son said and Jensen smiled. your son looked at and had this mischievous smile on his face, which made you suspicious.

"Everytime I always see mommy and daddy in the night time after they put me to sleep," Your son narrated his story, "But I don't sleep because... Because I'm a big boy and I sleep later on." Your son went on but you froze when he said the next bit.

"Then I see mommy and daddy hug and I don't know why they always... Muah muah muah," Your son said then did the 'two kissing hands' gesture.

Your eyes widened. You slowly turned to Jensen, who was also feeling the same emotions you were.

"And then mommy and daddy go on their bed and-"

"Okay that's enough, naughty boy!" you picked him up and kissed his cheek. You walked towards the side of the stage and Jared followed you. You winked at Jensen as you put your son on the floor.

"Now you need to stay with Uncle Jared. Daddy and I need to finish our work," You told and your son frowned. "Okay," He sighed. You kissed his head and smiled at Jared.

You walked back onto the stage, part of you wishing your son would grow up quickly but majority of you wishing that he would stay your 'baby boy' for as long as he could.

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