'Mommy' For A Day (Jensen)

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You coughed, softly at first but then your throat started to itch, turning it into a fit. You got up and went to the kitchen, patting your chest along the way. You poured yourself a glass of water and drank every last drop.

You cleared your throat and sighed. Being sick wasn't treating you that well and on top of that, you were almost 7 months pregnant.

"Maybe we should go to the doctor again," Jensen said and looked at you with pity. "I'm fine," You replied hoarsely, "I'm taking the medicines and it's better than before." You smiled at him tiredly and walked over.

He was sitting on one of the stools near the kitchen bar. You ran your hand through his hair as he wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your belly. You giggled.

"Okay, you rest today. I'll take on your role!" He stood up and smiled widely. You raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"It shouldn't be that hard to take care of [y/d/n] for one day," Jensen said and you shook your head. "Okay hun, deal," You said and kissed his cheek. You definitely needed and wanted the rest.

"Daddy, mommy! Look what I drew!" Your three year old daughter ran into the kitchen and jumped onto one of the stools at the kitchen island. She had a sheet of white paper with doodles, that she placed on the top.

Jensen walked over and so did you, curious as to what your daughter drew. "I drew our family!" She told and you smiled. There was Jensen and your daughter next to him and a rather round shaped mom next to her.

You laughed as you pointed at the large stomach drawn. There was an arrow pointing from it saying 'My baby brother'.

Jensen grinned, "You know I think it's good enough. What do you think mommy?" You chuckled, "Definitely going on the fridge!" You daughter cheered as she followed her daddy, who was placing it on the fridge with a magnet.

He high-fived his daughter then picked her up. You yawned, a bit too exaggerated, "Now daddy... why don't you start by giving your three year old a shower?"


She ran out of the wash room in your bedroom, laughing and her towel wrapped around her shoulders like a cape. "I'm going to get you!" Jensen yelled, his hair all spiky and he had a toy sword in his hand.

You daughter screamed as her father poked her with the sword. You smiled, laying down on the bed and covering yourself with the duvet.

"Okay warriors, I'm going to sleep so if you could take your battle somewhere else it would be great," You said and smiled softly.

"Yes ma'am!" Jensen saluted to you and your daughter followed the action. You chuckled, suddenly surrounded by silence. Immediately, you regret asking them to leave. Sighing, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.


You could hear someone else breathing. It was pretty quiet but the person was really close to you. You still had your eyes shut, trying to get back to sleep but the presence in the room didn't let you.

"Daddy!" You heard your daughter say and it was followed by a soft 'shhh'. You imagined your daughter tip-toeing towards the edge of the bed and peering over to see what her daddy was so interested in.

"Mommy's sleeping," Jensen said and you smiled. "Not anymore," You rubbed your eyes and hugged onto a pillow. "Hi baby," He said and chuckled. You raised an eyebrow, "Me or your son?"

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