Misread Signs (Castiel)

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"Hey guys, I don't want to derail us from our mission but... I need to make a pit stop," You said as you noticed the gas station approaching ahead.

Dean entered the gas station and parked the Impala. You got out and rushed to the washroom.

I shouldn't have drank all that soda, You thought.

The Winchesters and Castiel got out of the car as well. Sam wanted to stretch his legs after the three hours of drive. Dean went into the store to re-stock on the supply of junk food for the road. Castiel, on the other hand, followed you to the washrooms.

Cas had lost his grace because Metatron, the Scribe of God, took it for a spell which casted the Angels out of Heaven. Right now, you all were on your to find that good-for-nothing opportunist.

Castiel stood outside the men and women's washrooms. He glanced between them with confusion.

You heard the door creak open. Loud and large shoes were worn by the one who just entered. A bit too loud and large for a woman's shoes.

You exited the stall and paused, horrified at what was infront of you.

"OH MY GOD, CAS?!" You whispered loudly, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" You were about to panic. You would have scolded him right there if-


"Oh my lord..." You mumbled. You looked at Cas and glared at him, "GET OUT, QUICKLY!" You pushed him out of the door and quickly washed your hands.

A lady exited the stall and you acted as chill as you could, as if a man did NOT just enter a women's washroom. Pffttt...

You wiped your hands and hastened out. Cas stood outside, his head tilted and staring at the signs above the door.

"Ahem!" You said, grabbing the Angel's attention. "What was all that about? That's a woman's washroom," You gestured to the one you had just got out off and then gestured to the one next to it, "That's the men's one, the one you need to use."

"I uh... Umm," Cas had gone slightly red. You were talking a bit loudly, gaining a few stares from the people around. You walked with Cas towards the Imapala to avoid any more attention drawn to you both.

"I am sorry, I was not aware. The signs are hard to understand," Castiel explained, "I mean, that could well enough be a man in a coat. It looks similar to me."

You smiled softly. Cas was so adorable when he was clueless. He was still getting used to the human ways. Angels don't need to worry about urination and all that. Cas was like a new born baby, unaware of how humans live.

"I know Cas and it can be, but it's a person in a dress. It's the universal picture for a woman's washroom," You held his shoulder, "The one not wearing the dress, or trench coat, is a man and is for the men's washroom."

Cas looked to the ground and nodded. "Okay... No one told me about that," He said. He looked like an ashamed child and it was so cute.

You held onto his arm and started walking to the Impala, a smile on your face. "And now you know. Don't worry, you won't need to know so much about humans. We'll get your grace back soon," You said and kissed his cheek. A bit startled, he smiled softly.

"Ready to go?" Dean said, leaning on the Impala. You looked and Cas then said, "Yup! Let's go get Cas's grace back."

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