50) 'Daddy's Little Angel' (Misha)

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You smiled as you put a beige shirt saying 'Daddy's Little Angel' on your 5 month old daughter. It had a halo on top, black wings on either end of the phrase and a dark blue the hanging from the bottom.

"We're going to see daddy, [y/d/n]!" You kissed her nose and she made happy baby noises.

You picked her up, not forgetting her favourite bunny rabbit. You grabbed your bag and walked out of the bedroom door. You put your daughter in her stroller and wheeled it out of the apartment. Where the cast was staying was walking distance from the sets.

The weather was pleasant. You walked happily, eager to meet your husband. He was extremely busy nowadays, coming home late and going really early in the morning. The faster he'd finish shooting, the earlier he'd get his holiday break and so the more time you could spend with him. Anyways, you were spending time with him on the set. You had a little role in Supernatural too.

"Hey [y/n]!" Phil at the gate greeted and you smiled. "Hi Phil, is Misha busy right now?" You asked and Phil shook his head. "I don't think so. He'll definitely not be busy to see his 'Little Angel'," He said and waved at your daughter. You chuckled and thanked him.

You continued walking towards the main set, surprised to find filming of a scene going on. Jared and Jensen were doing something with the Impala.

Someone covered your eyes, making you jump a bit. You felt the large hands on your face and grinned.

"Honey I know it's you," You said and turned around. "Darn it!" Misha stamped the floor and you laughed. He kissed you on the lips and then walked to the front of the stroller.

"Hi baby!" He said and kissed her cheek, "I love the shirt by the way! An adorable little Castiel," He winked at you and you chuckled. You wrapped an arm around his waist as he pushed the stroller ahead.

"So, been busy?" You said and he sighed. "Yes, very busy. I've got a big scene next, lots of action," Misha told and you nodded.

"CUT!" You heard the director shout and everyone dispersed. Jared and Jensen saw you and came over happily. They both hugged you as Misha took your daughter out of the stroller. He held her, hands under her neck and torso, and looked down at her with a huge smile.

"Oh I love the shirt," Jensen said and you grinned. Your daughter smiled and tried to say something, only a mixture of sounds coming out of her mouth.

"Yes my baby, what's up?" Misha said and touched her  nose with his. She giggled, trying to reach his face. You all chuckled and smiled.

"She's starting to look more like you now," Jared told you. You raised an eyebrow and smirked at Misha, who didn't seem to happy about it, feeling envious. You laughed.


"Oh your daughter is adorable! Misha always shows us pictures of her, he loves [y/d/n] so much," One of the make up artists, Rebecca, sitting next to you said. You smiled softly.

Your daughter yawned and you slowly rocked her in your arms. It was time for a nap. Misha was currently doing a big fight scene with some other extras.

You watched your husband from the side. He'd always get a bit nervous when you watched him, it was adorable. This time, you didn't tell him that you were standing there.

The scene went on and one of the actors punched Misha in the face and he fell back. Another one kicked him in the stomach and he coughed up blood. The special effects of this show never seized to amaze you. Another actor grabbed him by the collar and held a knife to his neck while another punched his face.

You daughter started crying loudly. She had tears in her eyes, lips pouting. You didn't know how intently she was watching her daddy being 'beaten up'. You were shocked at first but once she grew loud, you panicked.

"Shhh... It's okay, Daddy's fine," You said as you patted her back, getting up and pacing around. She cried louder and the director called out a 'CUT!'.

You flinched. Many people rushed over to you, you felt extremely embarrassed.

Misha pushed past the crowd and came over to you. "What's wrong?" Misha asked, stressed out. "You were getting beaten up and she started crying. She thought it was real," You told and everyone around you 'aw'ed.

"Aw my baby," Misha reached to hold her but she started crying more once your daughter saw him close up.

"Umm honey... Your face," You said and pointed to his face. He was covered in blood, dripping from his mouth and cheeks.

Someone gave him a a few tissues and he wiped his face. He took his daughter from you and placed her against his chest. "See? Everything's okay. Daddy's fine," He said, bouncing her a bit and rubbing her back. You smiled softly.

Everyone started to walk away once [y/d/n] started to calm down. When she quietened, Misha kissed her cheek then gave her back to you. She was just about to sleep. He kissed your head and you smiled nervously.

"I think I should go somewhere else," You chuckled nervously and Misha grew sad. He felt a bit motivated when you were around and even more when his daughter was there too.

"She's amazing," Misha stared at your daughter in awe. He felt so proud to be her father. "Oh you don't know how observant she is," You said while you watched her sleep peacefully, "She loves you so much."

You placed her in her stroller and tucked a pink fuzzy blanket over her. "She's definitely 'Daddy's Little Angel'," He said and you nodded in agreement.

You kissed Misha on the lips lovingly, "I'll see you in a while. We'll be in your trailer."


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