'Dean Will Fix It' (Dean)

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You walked back from the kitchen with two cups in your hands: one tea and one coffee. You walked to your bedroom to find your husband on the floor looking at a paper booklet.

You smiled, "Does the builder need help reading that?" You placed his cup of coffee on the table and walked over to him. You sipped on your tea as you tried to analyze the instructions.

"I can do this on my own," He said and gave you a thumbs up. He was building a baby crib for your soon-to-be born baby. "I'm sure you can but a helping hand may be useful," You stated as you stroked his hair.

He shrugged and stood up. While doing so, he stayed on his knees and kissed your protruding belly in the middle. You laughed a bit, gaining a warm smile from Dean.

He took a sip from his coffee then took out the crib's frame from the box. He started to assemble the pieces together, struggling at a few steps. You'd walk over to him to help but he'd refuse, saying he could handle it and that you needed to rest.

You've been complaining about your back and feet aching a lot and he's using that to his advantage. All you do is sigh and listen.

"Why the hell is this not fitting?!" He exclaimed a bit, you blinked slowly, sighing. "You're holding it upside down dear," You explained and he laughed nervously.

Sam entered the room and was happy to see you both. "I just came back from the shops. I got the stuff you wanted," He told and you smiled. "Thanks Sam."

He looked at his brother, "Need any help Dean?" Dean didn't answer, he was too busy figuring out how the sliding mechanism for the front gate worked.

"As Dean would say, 'I can do this on my own'," You said, mimicking Dean and Sam smiled, "I'll let you know if Dean needs two more hands." Sam nodded and left the room.

He entered once again, asking if you needed anything. You shook your head and thanked him. Sam, ever since he found out that he was going to be an uncle, took care of you a lot, not that he wasn't like that normally.

"It's done!" Dean said in happiness as he stood up. He placed his hands on his hips as you walked to where he stood. "It looks great!" He said, feeling proud of his accomplishment. You stared at the crib for a while, furrowing your eyebrows.

"It's great if you look at it like this," You commented, head tilted to the side. Dean stepped back and tilted his head too. He mumbled something under his breath, you didn't catch it.

You walked closer to the crib and shook it a bit. It was extremely wobbly, not stable at all. "Hun, I'm not letting our baby sleep on that. No way," You stated and rubbed your belly. Dean ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"I think you should do it again, this time taking help," You suggested. Dean moved the crib a bit and it caved in on itself. You raised your eyebrows at the now collapsed piece of furniture.

"SAM!" You called out. Dean kicked the pieces lightly in frustration. He was angry, really angry. You stepped closer to him and held his hands.

You gasped in slight pain as you clutched the side of your stomach. You bent over a bit, placing a hand on your husband's arm for support. He held your shoulder tightly, looking at you with panic.

"Oh my-[y/n], are you alright?! Are you in pain? Is the baby coming?!" He asked in one go. You rubbed the side of your stomach a bit and stood up straight, your hand on your hip.

"No, no, the baby kicked me really hard!" You explained, gaining a sigh of relief from Dean. He placed his hand on the spot on your stomach, on top of your hand.

The baby kicked again, softer this time and your husband looked at you happily.

The bedroom door opened, Sammy peeking through. "You called me?" He asked. "Yes! You're expertise is much needed," You said and pointed to the furniture mess on the floor.

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