"I'm A Little Unsteady" (Dean)

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Got a new cover, made by the epic spacebuns-! You're amazing luv, thanks!

Got a new cover, made by the epic spacebuns-! You're amazing luv, thanks!❤😍👌

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🎶Song for the imagine🎶: 'Unsteady' By X Ambassadors


You peeked through the glass window of the hospital room door. You frowned. Dean had been sitting inside for the last 2 hours, in the same position and doing nothing except looking at his brother.

You hesitated as you reached for the door handle. Gathering all your will, you turned it and opened the door slowly. It creaked quietly, you peered inside.

"Dean? D-Do you want anything?" You asked shakily. You didn't like talking to him when he was full of grief. He's a different person when he's going through a wave of sadness.

Sam... the great Sam Winchester rested on the hospital bed after trying to get rid of the Demons during the trials of closing the gates of Hell. He was in a coma and it was killing you emotionally for sure but Dean... oh Dean.

Dean shut his eyes, turning back to you then looking back at Sam. You sighed, "Dean please, you need to eat something, you need to stretch your muscles. This isn't-"

"Please leave me [y/n]," He said stifly. You clenched your hands into fists and turned around towards the door. You placed your hand on the handle but then took a deep breath, shutting your eyes momentarily.

"Dean I'm doing this to help you. Damn it, you may have to accept that Sam may be gone! Don't shut me out!" You said loudly and Dean looked back to you.

"Please... leave [y/n]," He flatly repeated. Dean's robotic voice was starting to creep you out, sending chills along your spine.

You huffed, grabbing the handle and opening the door sharply, all while mumbling a few curse words. You walked into the waiting area, crossing your arms while tears stung your eyes.

All of a sudden, you felt as if you had no one with you, no one who cares about you... even though you had Dean by your side. You just didn't want to be ignored and treated as if you're the guilty party when you haven't done anything wrong. You just want to help.


The next night...

You sighed as you looked into the hospital room once again. "Oh Dean," You mumbled under your breath. You knocked on the door and he briefly looked back, no change in his emotions when he saw you.

"I was just going to uh, have something to eat... Do you want something?" You asked once you peeked inside, trying to maintain a calm tone. "I'm good," He said seriously. You stepped inside the room and shut the door.

"What about some c-coffee?" You asked. Right now, it had reached the point where you just wanted to hear Dean speak because as long as he spoke and you heard his voice, it seemed to you as if he was somewhat okay.

"I said I'm good," He was struggling to keep a steady tone when talking to you. You walked over to him and put your hand on his shoulder. He clenched his jaw, and shut his eyes.

"Dean please, you need to bring some change to your routine. Please! I can't watch you lose your mind!" You said loudly, tears in your eyes. You moved closer to his front, hand still on his shoulder.

"Dean... Maybe Sam isn't going to come ba-"

"Don't you dare say anything more [y/l/n]," He grabbed your hand and stood up, gripping it tightly. "Can't you just mind your own damn business?! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled and gripped your hand, twisting it while his nails dug into your skin.

"DEAN!" You shouted in pain, crying out while trying to get rid of his hold. "M-My hand DEAN PLEASE!" You cried but he twisted it more. It was as if he was... possessed.

He bent your arm in the most unusual position till you collapsed to your knees, tears streaming down your face. You screamed, which brought him out of his trance.

"[y/n]?!" Dean kneeled down, "Oh my-I'm so... I'm so sorry." He swallowed hard as he took your arm softly. You snatched it away from him and got up.

"I just want to help you Dean and you twist my arm?! I HATE YOU!" You shouted and were about to walk towards the door when he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mess right now. Please, forgive me," Tears moistened Dean's eyes as he spoke to you. You sobbed into his chest while holding your aching arm.

"I-I just want to help you D-Dean. I hate seeing it l-like this," You trembled and he hugged you tighter, kissing your head. You cried out a bit and he pulled away. He looked at your arm with misery and walked to his bag.

He pulled out a dagger and you looked at him with horror. "Dean what are you-"

He bit his lips and made a deep cut in his palm. "DEAN! WHAT?!" You shouted, crying harder. You walked over to him and snatched the dagger from him.

"F-For hurting you [y/n]," He said weakly. "Are you insane?!" You looked around frantically for a bandage and found one in one of the cupboards. You wrapped Dean's hand with the bandage then slapped him.

"You're an asshole. You don't just... cut yourself!" You scolded and he looked to the floor. "I-I-I'm a mess [y/n]," He glanced at Sam then looked to you, "It's killing me inside and I... I don't know if I can survive."

"So talk about it! Don't hurt yourself," You held his arm, "I'm hear for you Dean but you need to be open with me... please, let me in!"

He sighed and nodded, wincing in pain as he look at his hand. "We need to show you to a doctor-"

"I'm fine," He said and you shook your head. "No Dean you're not," You grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, "Listen to me for once!"

He nodded and looked at your arm, "You need to check yourself as well."

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