Washing Machine (Castiel)

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"Take your clothes off," You said, placing your hands on your hips. Castiel looked at you with confusion, he tilted his head a bit.

"Take your clothes off, they are all dirty," You instructed and he obeyed. He started removing his now-become-brown trench coat and his blazer. He placed those on the bed, then started unbuttoning his shirt. You had to occupy yourself with something else, otherwise you'd just stare at him.

You turned back just in time to tell him to not take his boxers off. "I think that's enough Cas," You said and placed his dirty clothes on top of the washing machine.

"Now go on and have a shower," You said and gestured to the washroom. He just stood inside, examining the shower and the taps.

"You do know how to take a shower, don't you?" You said and gave him a questioning looking. He frowned.

"I was an Angel... I didn't need to take showers," He said and looked to the floor. You had no plans on helping him out even though the idea didn't seem too bad to you...

"Okay just wash your body, take the soap and rub it all over, then take a little shampoo and lather your hair then wash everything off," You instructed, "It's simple!" Cas raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"I'll wash your clothes in the mean time," You said and started to close the door, "Enjoy your shower! And don't forget to check the water's temperature."

The reason why you were mentoring Castiel on how to take a shower was because he's a human now. Metatron took his grace away when he wanted to lock the doors of Heaven. Castiel had disappeared for days, till you found him at the Gas'n'Sip, working as a sales associate. You rented out a motel and you wanted to help him with figuring out how to get his grace back. He didn't want to go back to the Winchesters because Dean told him that he can't stay there.

You loaded the washing machine with his clothes and poured in the detergent and softener. You closed the lid and started the machine. You sat down on the bed while waiting for it to finish in half an hour.


You heard Castiel yell. You hurried to the washroom and knocked on the door. "Cas... Are you alright?" You asked.

"My eyes are hurting! They are burning!" Cas shouted in pain.

"Just calm down, there's probably shampoo in your eyes," You said, "Take some water and wash your eyes and face. It'll be fine."

There was silence.

"Uh, Cas? Are you okay?" You asked with worry. "Y-Yes," He replied, "I'm better." You sighed with relief, "Just dry yourself with a towel when you're done and wear your boxers. I'll take some clothes out for you."

Moments later, the Angel exited the washroom,  hair dripping with water and very wet. Thankfully, he had put his boxers on. He dried his hair as he walked to you, you could see his body shivering.

"I cannot stop shivering, I'm not sure what's wrong," Cas said wrapping his arms around himself. "You're cold, that's all," You stepped closer to him and held his hands, "Come here."

You wrapped your arms around his chest, hugging him tight. He was damp but it didn't really matter to you. It felt weird. You're so used to seeing Castiel with three layers and now... He has none on. But you liked it. You wished that you could just-

"This feels... Warm," Castiel said and you smiled softly. "It's supposed to. I'm trying to make you warm by using my body heat," You explained and he nodded.

His hands moved down a bit and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from shivering.

You pulled away and Castiel frowned. He was enjoying that. He's never been that close to you, he wishes he could get more closer.

"I've got one of Dean's black shirt and a grey flannel. I hope that's okay," You said and gave him the clothes. You loved Dean's clothes, you always had a shirt with you. They're so soft and they smell like him, reminding you of the boys.

Castiel nodded and wore the shirt. You stared at him in awe. He looked so good in a t-shirt. It fit him perfectly, showing off his muscular arms and body. You wanted to sleep with him so bad, you just-

"[y/n]? Are you alright?" Castiel asked and you came out of your thoughts. You nodded then walked towards your bag, your face hot.


You lay on your chest, looking at Castiel and listening to him telling the story of how he ended up being with you tonight.

"Dean had found me at the Gas'n'Sip and then we went on a case of an Angel smiting humans that were depressed," Cas went on and you listened with fascination.

"Then I had..." Cas chuckled, "Had a date but it turned out that I misunderstood. I was supposed to babysit my 'date's' daughter." You laughed softly, "Aw Cas, that's disappointing."

"Yeah, but it was fine," Castiel said. You sat up straight, your eyes immediately locking with his. You both started at each other, his eyes drifting to your lips from time to time.

"Cas..." You said softly and he leaned forward. You turned your head to look at the table. You got up and grabbed a cloth. You made it damp and sat next to Castiel on the bed.

He turned to you, looking a little lost. "You missed a spot when you took a shower," You rubbed the cloth on his cheek, a bit hard, to remove a small black stain off. You slowed down, suddenly feeling the urge to-

He kissed you, hard. You gripped his flannel shirt as you moved closer to him. His hand swam through your hair while you held the side of his face.

"What... Was that?" You asked, breathless. He placed a strand of hair behind your ear. "I, uh... I don't know," He stammered slightly, "I felt something inside me, something pulling me to you. I just... I had to kiss you."

"Are you... In love with me?" You asked, caressing his cheek. "I-I..."

"Because I love you," You confessed and you kissed him again. It was softer this time, slower. You rested your hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat faster.

You pulled away, placing your forehead on his. "You really... Love me?" Cas said as he fidgeted with his hands. You smiled softly, "For a while, yeah." You shifted a little, playing with his shirt's collar.

"I didn't realize it till I could feel emotions but... I've always been attracted to you," He revealed, looking a bit shy.

"Well I'm glad you don't have your grace then," You said, then stopped, "Not that I'm happy about it and all. I'll help you find it." You chuckled nervously.

"Maybe I... don't want my grace back," Cas said as he stood up. He walked towards an open side of the room, your eyes followed his body.

"What are you talking about? Your grace, it's an essential part of you, it makes you an Angel," You stood up and walked towards him, "Without it you're just... Human."

He held your hands and smiled a bit, "But without it I can feel everything, I can enjoy what humans enjoy, I can understand what feeling angry is like or feeling happy is like... Or how being in love feels like."

You paused for a moment. Was he ready to give up his grace, give up being an Angel, just so he could feel the love he feels for you? It was too much for you to take in.

"No but, you have to... You must... You're Cas," You were so flustered you couldn't form words. He caressed your cheek with his thumb, "We'll talk about this later." He kissed your forehead and you shut your eyes in happiness.

"Right now, I'm extremely hungry," Cas said and you raised an eyebrow, "I have not got the opportunity to eat pizza." You kissed his cheek and smiled. You held his hand, grabbed your jacket, then walked towards the door.

"Come on, let's have some pizza."

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