Impersonations (Castiel)

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"Mama, mama," Your daughter said as she combed her hair. "Yes baby?" You said. She looked up to you after placing the hair brush on the bed. "Where's daddy?" she asked as you put a pair of socks on her feet.

"Daddy just came home. He's changing his clothes," You told her and she smiled. She loves her daddy so much.

A knock on the door and daddy walked inside. "My two Angels!" Daddy said. Your three year old daughter ran to him and jumped into his arms. "I'm so happy to see you daddy!" She said and kissed his cheek. "I'm happy to see you too munchkin."

He put her down and walked towards you, placing a kiss on your lips. "Hey," He said softly. "Hi Cas," You said and smiled.

You both did the deed when Cas had lost his grace. He was human, which resulted in your child being human too. Castiel had been searching for a way to get his grace back but when you're child was born, he decided to stay human.

"Honey I want to show you something," You grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the bedroom door. You both walked out towards the kitchen where you had a tray of fudge brownies sitting on the counter.

"Oh yum!" He took a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth. "Hank Hugh," Was what Castiel's 'Thank You' sounded like with his mouth stuffed. You wrapped your arms around his abdomen and side-hugged him.

You missed him when he was at work. Aside from the whole saving people and hunting things with Sam and Dean, he got a job so he could provide for the family.

He wrapped an arm around you as you walked towards the Bunker's library. "Hey guys," Cas said and waved at the Winchester brothers. "Hi Cas, how was work?" Dean asked with a smile. Cas nodded, "Good."

You heard small feet marching into the library. You and Cas looked back to see your baby girl wearing his trenchcoat.

"Mommy, Uncle Sam, Uncle Dean!" You daughter announced, "I look like Daddy!" She raised her arms, the sleeves too long for her hands. Half of each sleeve drooped towards the ground, the coat mopped the floor as she walked.

You smiled and looked at Cas, who was smiling widely too. Sam and Dean walked and sat down closer to get a better view of [y/d/n].

She started to immitate her dad, tilting her head to the side and furrowing her eyebrows. Everyone laughed and clapped, making [y/d/n] extremely happy.

"I don't look like that," He said, head tilted and eyebrows furrowed. You giggled, "Yes you do. You look like that right now!"

[y/d/n] talked, saying random sentences in the monotonous tone Cas usually talks in. You laughed so much and Cas softly smiled. He pulled her closer to him and started tickling her. She giggled so loudly, "D-Daddy... My tummy h-hurts!"

He let her go and she walked around a bit, looking at her sleeves and the pockets the coat has.

"Daddy what's this?" She said as she took out the Angel blade. She swinged it around a bit and Cas immediately rushed and took it from her.

You picked her up and put her on your lap. She was surprised and a little scared at her dad's slightly angry face.

"Mommy, why does daddy have a knife?" She said, a little shocked. You rubbed her back a bit as you watched Cas place the blade on a top shelf. He put his hands to his hips.

You didn't want your daughter to know about the things that go bump in the night so soon. She's just three years old, she's too young. You all tried to keep the guns and any other evidence of your cases from her reach.

"Does daddy... Does daddy hurt people?" She was close to tears. She looked frightened and she didn't even look her father's way.

Cas walked to her, kneeling on one knee and holding her hands. "Baby... I will never hurt anyone, unless if I have and need to in order to protect our family," Cas said, "I don't hurt people." He kissed her hand and she wiped her eyes.

She was hesitant at first but after you gave her a soft smile, she clung onto her daddy's neck, hugging him tight. He hugged her back, worry on his face. He looked up to you with such a sad look. You've never seen him so sad.

"Now... I think your uncles will want to see how you copy them," Cas whispered and smiled. Your daughter jumped out of your lap and ran to an empty area.

"Uncle Sam, Uncle Dean! I'm going to act like you!" [y/d/n] said excitedly. You smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Sam and Dean looked forward to the show.

You turned to your husband, who sat with a deep-in-thought look. He was tense, staring at a spot on the floor with shoulders slumped.

You rolled your eyes and held his hand, "[y/d/n], we'll be back in two minutes." She nodded and you got up, taking a confused Cas with you.

You pulled him towards a corner outside the library. "Babe what's wrong?" You asked, stepping closer to him. Sadness covered him.

"You heard her, she thinks I hurt people," Cas looked at the ground. It seemed as if he was going to breakdown. "Oh honey..." You wrapped your arms around his waist and got as close as possible without your noses touching.

"I'm done. What's left of me?" He looked at you, "My own daughter thinks I'm some sort of murderer." You grabbed his face looking at him straight in the eye.

"Baby look at me. Did you not see how frightened she was when she saw the blade in your coat?" You said. Cas was about to say something but you were faster.

"She was like that because it shocked her to think that her daddy, such a soft and kind person, would attack someone else," You explained, the hands on his face softening, "She was filled with disbelief."

Cas looked to the ground again. "You're daughter loves you more than anything in this world," You said, caressing his face, "If she finds out that you were some battling Angel before she'd have a tough time believing it because you've changed so much."

He looked up to you and you kissed him. It lasted a good ten seconds until he pulled away and hugged you tightly, trembling a bit. You rubbed his back slowly.

You both walked back into the library after you heard screaming. "Oh you naughty girl! Very funny!" Dean said as he put [y/d/n] over his shoulder.

You giggled a bit. "She can become a good actress when she grows up," Sam said and smiled. Cas laughed a bit and pulled you closer.

"Now you should immitate mommy!"

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