Double Trouble (Misha)

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THAT GIF 😭😭... Anyone else in the same boat? (It's giving me feels just by looking at it for some weird reason)

You looked at the time on your phone's lockscreen: 3:46 PM.

You got up from your seat and walked towards one of the crew members. "Hey, when's Misha going to be done?" You asked, feeling a bit stressed out. "He'll be done in- Oh looks like he just finished," He replied. You heard the director announce a break for everyone.

You saw Misha and hurried to him as fast as you could in your situation. He pecked you on your lips, he looked exhausted. He's been working nonstop at the set. He wanted to finish everything off so that he could get to go back home early so that you could prepare for your baby's arrival.

"Umm hun, the time..." You told, "Our appointment." He stared at you then sighed while he shut his eyes, "Oh crap! I completely forgot! Ughh..."

You held his arm and looked him in the eye, "Don't worry, I can reschedule. You're busy and we could go next week."

He kept looking around, mentally punishing himself. "Oh no, don't do that. I'll... I'll come now. We have a rhythm going and I don't want it to get disrupted," He said and ran a hand through his hair, "Let me talk to them and I'll meet you at the door."

"Aarggh, why can't I remember the important stuff?!" He said, clearly frustrated. You stepped closer to him, your belly touching his. "Hey, it's okay. You're pretty tied up these days, I understand," You placed a hand on his cheek.

"But this is our child. It's important," He looked to the ground. You kissed his forehead and smiled, "We can go next week."

"Hey guys, what's... Up?" Jared walked over to you and gave you a look, "Is something wrong?" You looked at Misha, who didn't have plans on saying anything.

"We have a doctor's appointment and I... Forget about it," You looked at Misha, who looked up to you.

"Oh I see... So what's your plan? By the way, they were just calling for you Misha," Jared informed. "We're going to go next week," You said and he smiled softly.

"I can take you to the hospital if you want. I mean, I'm completely free for the next two hours," Jared suggested and your face brightened up.

Misha looked hesitant. "Thanks Jared but no it's fine, I-I," He said. You gave him a look and he sighed.

You moved closer to him and told him softly, "Baby, this way I can go for the check up and you can complete your work. It's Jared after all, he'll take care of me." Misha mumbled an 'okay' and kissed your lips. You smiled and walked away with Jared towards the car.


"Ms. Collins," A nurse called out and you got up from your seat in the waiting room. Jared walked next to you till you came to the door. You knocked on it and entered, greeted by your doctor, Lucy.

"Hi [y/n]!" She smiled brightly, then looked behind you with confusion, "Where's Misha?" You gave her a small smile, "He's busy with work but a friend came with me today." Jared smiled and shook her hand.

He felt a bit awkward and shy in the room. He kept looking around and ran a hand through his hair. To his relief, his phone rang. He received a call from your very anxious husband.

"Sorry I need to take this," He said, "It's Misha." You chuckled a bit, not surprised by how concerned he is always. Jared walked out of the room and started to talk to Misha.

Meanwhile, you lifted your shirt and the doctor prepared you for the ultrasound. Lucy looked extremely excited today, examining the ultrasound screen as if searching for something.

"Yup! Just what I thought," She said and you looked at her, puzzled. "Well, I know the gender of the baby... Or should I say babies," She grinned.

You sat up a bit, trying to process what she had just said. "What?!" You said, speechless. "The last month I wasn't exactly sure but I had an idea," Doctor Lucy explained and paused, "I'm happy to announce that you're having twins, a boy and a girl!"

"Oh my God, really?!" You raised your eyebrows, happiness crawling into every corner of your face. "Yes! Because they've grown more, I can clearly tell," She stood up and pointed to the screen, "There's your boy and there's your girl." She pointed to the top then the bottom, respectively. You couldn't make much of it but it was enough to gather an overall image.

"Wow... I'm so happy!" You said, "I have to tell Misha." You asked the doctor if she could send you a picture of the sonogram and she smiled happily, agreeing.

"It's the reason why your stomach is bigger than usual, given it's your seventh month," Doctor Lucy said and you nodded. Just then, Jared entered the room, while you put your shirt down. "Did I miss anything?" He asked.

You grinned as Lucy helped you get up, "Guess what? I've been having a two people company this whole time." Jared smiled widely, "Twins? Oh wow, that's amazing! Congrats!"

You said goodbye to the doctor and walked towards the car, thinking of how you were going to tell Misha.


"Here you go. We'll be outside the trailer, you know what to do," You gave Jared your phone to record a video of what you were going to do right now.

You walked ahead, trying really hard to hide your smile. As soon as Misha saw you, he walked over and hugged you.

"Oh you're okay, thank God!" He said and kissed your cheek. You laughed, "What do you think would've happened to me?"

You held his hand and you both walked towards the trailer. He was on a half an hour break right now, giving you enough time to tell him.

You pulled him towards the middle of two trailers. "So tell me how did it go?" He was going to enter but you stopped him.

"It went well! Good news is that I know the gender of your child... ren," You said, biting your lip. He looked at you like a lost puppy. You held his hands and stepped closer.

"I know the genders of your children," You smiled. He continued to stare with no response. After a few moments he spoke.

"Wait... Are there...? No... What? Really?!" He looked so flustered. You held up your first two fingers, wriggling them around as you smirked.

"Oh my God!" He pulled you into a hug, swaying you from side to side. He pulled away, placing his hands on the sides of your belly.

"I never thought I'd be a father of twins!" He continued to look down at your stomach, "So what... Two boys? Two girls?" He slightly stammered, his voice cracking as you noticed his eyes glistening.

You placed your hands over his, "Even better, one boy and one girl." To your surprise, he broke into tears, sniffing and trembling. "Aw my baby," You said as you pulled him for a hug. You didn't know he'd be this overwhelmed.

You rubbed his back softly as he rested his head on your shoulder. He broke away and you wiped his eyes. "You okay?" You asked. "Yeah I'm f-fine," He wiped his cheeks, "I'm so happy."

You took his hand and placed it on top of your belly, "Your baby boy." You moved it down, "Your baby girl." He knelt on one knee, kissing those spots one by one. "My two Angels," He said softly as he rubbed your belly with his thumbs.

He held your hand, eager to know every detail of the trip to the doctor today. You glanced at Jared, who was hidden away behind the trailer on the left. You gave him a discreet 'thumbs up' and he nodded. You couldn't wait to show your husband the video.

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