Under A Spell (Dean)

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Dean felt dizzy. He raised his eyebrows, trying to stay awake. Everything spun around him

"Deeaaannn..." Sam's voice echoed in his brother's mind.

"Sam I... I c-can't," Dean said hopelessly. Sam looked back at his brother, who was in a complete mess. "Just hang in there, we're almost home," He told.

To Dean's relief, they reached the Bunker in another five minutes. He scrambled out of his seat and carried his duffel bag. He couldn't walk properly. Whatever that witch did to him was strong... Really strong.

"Woah, steady man," Sam held his brother's shoulders. Dean looked at him and squinted. He shook himself, walked towards the Bunker's door and inside he went.

He climbed down the stairs slowly, gripping the side railings till his knuckles turned white. He struggled to keep his eyes open. They wandered to look upon the library.

He couldn't believe it.

Cas was  completely on top of you, kissing the life out of you while you pulled on his shirt. Dean could hear you moan then-

He stopped abruptly then ran downstairs, towards you. He looked furious.

"HEY!" He yelled.

Dean grabbed Castiel, who was standing beside you, by the collar. He slammed the Angel to the closest wall and placed his arm across Cas' chest.

"What the hell were you doing with my wife?!" Dean growled. Cas looked at him, frightened, "I-I, nothing... I wasn't doing anything!"

"Oh yeah? And making out with her is nothing to you?!" Dean practically yelled. "Dean! He wasn't making out with me!" You decided to intervene. Sam hurried to the commotion, putting his bag down and going over to Dean.

What actually happened

You heard the Bunker door open, a smile immediately appeared on your face. You were so glad your husband was home. It's never certain when they go for hunts that they'll come back safe and sound.

You watched Dean climb down the stairs, he was a bit unstable. You assumed it was from the hectic hunt.

You got up from your seat and frowned when a few papers fell off the table. Cas was sitting across you and he immediately came over to help out. You were in no shape to bend over.

"Here," He said as he gave you the papers. You thanked him then straightened his tie a bit. It annoyed you, always being crooked and crumpled up.

"HEY!" Dean yelled.

Dean grabbed Castiel, who was standing beside you, by the collar. Dean slammed the Angel to the closest wall and placed his arm across Cas' chest.

........ Etc etc etc ........

Dean looked to you then backed away from Cas. He turned around sharply and punched Cas in the nose. You covered your mouth in horror and shock. "DEAN!" You exclaimed, "What is wrong with you?!"

Your husband took a few steps back, unable to maintain his balance. He held onto a wall, leaning and taking a few breaths.

You went over to Cas, who's nose was bleeding. "Cas, are you alright?" You asked, holding his arm. He nodded, "I'll heal."

You turned to Sam, "What is wrong with him?!" Sam glanced at his brother then sighed, "The witch cast a spell on him and it's making him have hallucinations. He apparently saw Cas making out with you." You frowned, suddenly feeling pity for your husband after finding out what was wrong.

You walked over to Dean and placed an arm on his shoulder. He jumped a bit, he was paranoid. "Baby, are you okay?" You asked softly.

He shook his head to get out of the trance, "I'm good." He hugged you, trying to get out of the whole 'creepy' feeling.


You looked through a book. All four of you were on the mission to find that witch and end her 'witching-ways'.

"Here Sam, it's some sort of protection mark," You have the book to Sam an he nodded. You read the wrinkled pages on the table for anything interesting.

You stopped to look back at Dean, who had his hand clenched into a fist and eyebrows furrowed, looking at a spot on the table. He could easily disintegrate the table with that look.

You rolled your eyes and stood up. You stretched a bit, your back hurting making you feel extremely tired. You held Dean's shoulder and asked him to get up. He looked at you with confusion but you repeated yourself.

He did as he was told and you pulled him towards the far, empty side of the library. You held his hands, pulling him closer to you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, "Babe what's wrong?"

"I-I... I can't do this anymore. I can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not," Dean explained. You kissed him passionately, he kissed you back.

"That's real," You said, taking his hand and placing it over your heart, "Do you feel that? I'm real." You stepped closer to him, moving his hand from your chest to your stomach.

"Can you feel that? It's your child, your son," You said and moved closer to him, "He's real. This is real."

You held his face in your hands, "You can get through this Dean. I'm here with you. All you need to do is judge whether what you're seeing would happen in real life or not." Dean looked to the floor sadly. He placed his other hand on the side of your stomach as well. You moved closer to his ear.

"Do you really think I'd make out with Cas?" You questioned and he looked up to you, "Sure we had a thing before but I love you. You're my... My husband, my best friend, my... Dean. I'd never betray you."

You caressed his cheek and he held your hand tightly. You kissed his forehead then hugged him. He hugged back, making sure he didn't hurt you.

Dean jerked a bit, something hit his stomach. "What was that?" He asked, pulling away a bit. "That was your son saying 'you can fight this daddy!'," You answered and chuckled.

Dean gave you a small smile, a tear rolled down his cheek. You raised your eyebrows a bit, not expecting his emotions at all.

"You're so strong, so brave. Don't let a few mind tricks take over your senses," You said as you wiped his tear. He mumbled an 'okay' and started to walk back to the table.

"To cheer you up, I got some... Pie," You grinned and he smiled greedily. "No way, really?" He walked over to you, who was holding a paper bag in your hands. Dean looked inside and smirked.

"Oh I love you so much," He said and kissed you on the cheek.

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