Confessions Of A Hunter (Sam)

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🎶: 'Let Me Fall For You' by David Cook


You sat there, looking at him as if he was a slice of pizza from the best pizza parlour on the planet. You couldn't help it, he was so... sexy and beautiful. Handsome, no doubt.

He looked at you and you sharply turned your head back to the book you were reading as an excuse to seem 'less obsessed'. He raised an eyebrow and smirked, shaking his head slightly.

He knew all about your secret glances and long stares at times while he was too occupied in his work. He had a source, a family member, his brother Dean Winchester.

He liked the attention he got from you, it helped him to reaffirm that his own obsession with you was something that could be taken further. His brother would always tell him to take the first step but he was too fearful.

What if she doesn't like me as much as I think she does? He thought, It could all be in my head, exaggerated.

He shrugged the thought off and went back to reading his book. You got up from your seat, fidgeted with your fingers for a bit then walked over to Dean, who looked up to you with a wide smile.

"Hey there, what's up?" Dean asked and you nodded your head hesitantly. "I uh, yes," Was all you replied. Dean looked at you with a big question mark on his face.

"I'm going to do it," Were the words you said that helped him understand what you were talking about. Dean nodded and stood up, taking a breath. "I'm going out now, I'll get something to eat," He said a bit too loudly and winked at you.

You rolled your eyes and sighed as you watched him walk out of the door. Hopefully you wouldn't regret what you were about to do.

"H-Hi," You stammered a bit. Being this close to him made you a bit shaky... obviously. He looked up to you and smiled, "Hey."

You took a seat across him and played with your fingers. "I want to tell you something. I'm not sure what it would result in," You chuckled nervously and he shut the book in his hand. This made you more shaky, you had all of his attention.

"I uh, I..." You shut your eyes, trying to find the best way to express it. "Just say it," He said and placed his hand on yours. The hairs on your neck stood up, causing you great discomfort. Even when you'd brush shoulders with him, you'd get this tingly feeling within yourself.

Your eyes remained shut, "I love you."

There was silence.

You were sure that he was about to get and storm out. He would first say "Wow, that explains the stares and looks you give me all the time", then go on by saying "You know it's creepy".

He would shake his head with shock and disgust. He would throw his book across the room, the spine hitting the wall behind you and a few pages flying out because of how old the thing is.

How can she be in love with me? He would think, Why do I always attract people I don't like?!

He would stand up suddenly, looking you in the eye and have a stance as an interrogater. He would say, "How could you love me? Why me?! What have I done to get you to like me?"

He'd bite his nails, something you've noticed that he does when he's concerned. "I just want to be... happy," He would say, "But with you... it's a burden."

"I don't want anything to happen to you," He would say, just because he's caring and thoughtful, not that you deserve those words.

He would pack his things into his duffel. He would leave the room without looking at you, without saying another word. You would stand there, speechless, at what just happened.

His brother would come home, a smile plastered on his face, but it would soon fade when he sees the tears in your eyes. Dean would bombard you with questions, accusatory ones, and go after his brother.

The man you love with all your heart would hate you with every fiber in his body.

But right now... all he does is smile. He looks at your hands, holding them tightly, then looks back to your face.

"I love you too," He says, a small smile curled on his lips. He leans closer, placing his lips on yours.

And in that moment you knew that Sammy was definitely better than any pizza slice... Even ones from the best parlour on the planet.

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