So This Is Farewell... (Sam)

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You twisted and turned in bed. You couldn't sleep well. Was it the sheets? Was it the room's temperature? Was it the fact that your stomach didn't let you sleep the way you usually do? You had no clue what kept you awake.

You decided to get up for a glass of water. You slipped your feet into your fuzzy slippers and walked to the kitchen. You drank a cold glass of water, refreshing yourself. You felt a bit better.

As you walked back to your bedroom, you heard your phone ring. Wincing a bit, not wanting Sam to wake up, you hurried to your room as fast as your body would let you.

You sighed when you saw Sam sitting up and talking on your phone. He looked... Worried.

You stepped closer to the bed as he put the phone down slowly after ending the call. "Hey [y/n]..." Sam said, swallowing hard. "Sam what's wrong?" You asked moving closer.

"You're... Umm..." He ran a hand through his hair, looking up to the ceiling, "You're father, he... He's gone." His eyes were glistening with tears.

You frooze, sitting absolutely still. You scanned Sam's face for any sense of humor but there was none. You took a step back, pulling your hair.

"No no no... NO!" You yelled, making Sam rush to you. He held you in his arms, bringing you to the bed as you cried your heart out into his chest.

"WHY?! DAD!" You screamed, bawling. Sam rubbed your back, you hit him with your fists because of how upset you were.

"Shhhh it'll be... Fine," Sam tried to comfort you but it made you feel worse. "How is it going to be fine?! My father is dead! Don't you know what that means?!" You shouted.

Dean entered your bedroom, breathless and sweaty. "What happened?" He said in a rush. Sam clenched his jaw then mouthed the words 'Her father passed away'. Dean covered his mouth with his hand, feeling sick to his stomach.

Both Sam and Dean loved your father as if he was their's. They both had such a good relationship with him, talking about the same favourite topics. Your father taught the boys a lot too.

Dean rushed to the kitchen, pouring you another glass of water to help you calm down.

"Honey, listen. This... Stress isn't good for you. It can affect the baby," Sam said, holding the sides of your face. He wiped your tears with his thumbs and you seemed to soften down a bit.

You felt a little dizzy and sick. Sam helped you to lay down in bed, relaxing your nerves a bit. Dean walked in and gave you the glass of water. You were still trembling, unable to hold the glass without it shaking.

Sam talked to Dean outside your room. You had shut your eyes from the grief you felt and the psychological stress on you.

You felt yourself starting to have a panic attack. You couldn't breathe properly. Sam saw you struggle and in seconds he was by your side. He held you shoulder, looking into your eyes, "Hey [y/n], listen to me. Just relax... Breathe." He breathed in then out and you followed his pattern. He started to slow his breathing, which helped you feel better.

"You need to sleep. Your sister wanted to talk to you but she said she will call in the morning," Sam told and you nodded. You lay down on your side, Sam pulled you into his arms. He rubbed your back, slowly making you fall asleep.


"Here you go," Sam said as he handed you your medicines. You put them into a plastic bag and placed it in your duffel bag. You took out most of your clothes, shirts and bottoms like pants and skirts, from the wardrobe.

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