'You Have 1 New Message' (Jared)

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You sighed as you sat on the couch, patting your 4 month baby's back softly after feeding him his bottle of milk. You missed your husband, he was away right now for an award show.


You looked at your baby boy and smiled. You rubbed his back softly and kissed him on the cheek. He rubbed his face, reaching out to grab your cheeks. You touched your nose with his and chuckled.

You put him down on his play mat, the toys hanging from above occupied his attention. "Ba-bee!" He said as he picked his bunny and showed it to you. It's what he calls it, unable to say 'bunny' properly yet.

You switched on the TV, checking the clock on the wall to make sure you wouldn't miss the awards show. You were excited to see your hubby all dressed up and looking sexy.

There was still an hour left for the show to start so you decided to clean the kitchen up a bit. You started to clean the stove when your phone rang. It was a Skype call.

You looked at your phone screen and smiled. You answered the call and said, "Hey baby!"

It was Jared, and it was a video call. You switched on your camera too and smiled at him. "Hi hun, what's up? How's everything?" He asked.

He was wearing his suit and he looked perfect. His hair was made and he had a slight stubble. Before he left he had a much more grown beard. You loved it when he had stubble.

"I'm good, how's the preparation going?" You asked and watched him out of love. You were thrilled to see him again, atleast on a screen. "It's going okay. We're just about to leave for the place," Jared explained, "I've gotten ready... how do I look?"

You grinned as he tilted his phone down to show his outfit, "You sexy man... You look great!" He chuckled and gave you a flying kiss. He continued to talk until your son noticed the familiar voice coming out of the 'fancy light box'.

"Ba?" He pulled your pants, wanting to see what you were looking at, "Ba Ba!" He grew excited and you picked him up and put him on your lap. Immediately, he was hypnotized by the bright object you held in your hands. Even more, he wondered why his daddy was inside the box.

Your son pointed at the box and tilted his head as he looked up to you. "Yes, that's daddy [y/s/n]," You said. Jared smiled widely and waved at the screen, "Hi baby! How are you?"

Your son giggled and smiled, he loves his daddy to bits. "Ba..." He mumbled as he stared at the screen. Jared made funny faces and your son continued to smile. You couldn't help but chuckle yourself.

"So are you nervous?" You asked. He sighed, looking infront of him then back at the screen, "I'm always nervous for these types of things but it becomes okay once I'm doing it."

"Well you're going to do great babe, you look fabulous and it'll be perfect," You said and he smiled softly. Jared asked you what else was happening in the house and you told him about something special that took place.

"You know your son, he's so clever! I put him on his play mat and started to clear the place up in the afternoon," You narrated, "And when I looked at him after ten minutes, He had rolled over! He was on his tummy!"

"Really?" Jared beamed or happiness, "Wow, my baby boy is so smart! [y/s/n] you rolled over onto your tummy?" He talked in a cute voice and your son cooed.

"I wish I was there for this," Jared frowned and you looked at him sadly. "Just... come back quickly baby," You said and gave him a small smile. He nodded then looked up ahead from his phone, nodding as someone talked to him.

"Hun I have to go. I'll call you after the show," Jared said and you nodded. "I love you," You said and he kissed the screen.

"I love you too baby, and my other baby! Bye bye! Daddy will call later," Jared said and your son hit the screen.

"Bab," He said and stared at the screen. He pouted, tears forming in his eyes. "Baby don't cry! Daddy will come home in a few days," Jared said and you smiled, kissing your son on the head.

"Good luck!" You said and Jared smiled. "I'll talk to you later, love you," Jared said and you ended the call. Your son looked at you as you placed your phone on the side. You put your son on his play mat and switched the channel to the one where they'd show the awards show.

You couldn't wait to see your husband on TV...

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