Sore (Sam)

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The Bunker door opened, and then came in the two Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean. They had gone to find Crowley to ask him about the First Blade.

"Hi boys, how was the hunt for Crowley?" You asked, wrapping a warm cardigan tightly around you. Dean walked by you, face drained of all emotion, "Crowley sent his demons to attack us. That son of a-"

Sam walked to where you and Dean stood, pale and droopy. "Hi [y/n]," He said. He looked so done with life. You placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye, "Baby, are you okay?" Sam gave you a tired smile. "I'm fine, I'm just exhausted," He said. He looked like he was going to faint.

You held his arm tightly and led him to your bedroom. Before that, you asked Dean if he wanted anything. He told you that he was fine and smiled, telling you that you should see Sam.

You entered your bedroom and immediately Sam collapsed on the bed, stomach down. You smiled sympathetically. You walked over to your bed side table and took your body lotion.

You sat next to him and rubbed his back lightly. "Sammy... Take your shirt off," You said, "I know something that will make you feel better." He looked back to you with confusion, but was too tired to question you.

He sat up straight and took his flannel off first then the inner grey t-shirt. You stared at his body with fascination, you shrugged it off and focused on his face.

You traced the dirt and cuts on his face with your thumb and told him to stay put. You walked over to the washroom and got a wet towel. You wiped his face and cuts, making him look slightly more fresh.

"Okay," You kissed his cheek, "You can lay back down." Sam lay down on his stomach, eyes shut and a small smile on his lips. You squirted a good amount of body lotion on your palms and rubbed them together.

You started with his shoulders, rubbing circles and kneading them. You were known for giving good massages.

At first Sam's muscles were tense but as soon as you placed your hands on them, he relaxed. You moved on to the middle of his back, tracing his spine and sides. He'd groan and moan sometimes, which made you smile.

"You're so good," He moaned and you grinned. "So tell me, how did it go? What happened?" You asked.

Sam sighed, "We found Crowley but he zapped away, leaving us with an army of demons. Thankfully Cas came, otherwise we would've been in a worse situation."

"At least it's over," You said, pressing his arms a bit. "Yeah, we won't be needed that SOB anymore," Sam said, "Cas said he found another way of getting information."

"Good," You leaned closer to him, "Do you need any help from me?" He got up a bit and kissed you, "Thanks, but we're good. Can't afford losing you." He kissed your slightly slimy hand. "I can help with research," You suggested and Sam smiled.

You continued to massage his back and Sam stayed in silence. Ten minutes passed until you asked him, "Babe, should I get something for you to eat?"


"Sam?" You said, "Sammy?"

Still no response.

You moved closer to him, removing his hair from his face.

He was sound asleep, a smile curled on his lips. You smiled and leaned over to kiss him softly on the cheek. "Sweet dreams," You whispered into his ear, which made him shift a bit.

You got up carefully and went out of the room after switching off the light. You walked towards the library, but heard some groaning coming from one of the bedrooms.

You peaked in to find Dean sitting and stretching a bit. You knocked on his door before formally entering. He looked back to you and smiled, "Hey [y/n], how's Sammy?"

"He's fine, sleeping like a baby," You told and Dean chuckled, "I gave him a massage which helped..."

You stood there a bit awkward till you saw Dean wince as he turned a bit. You stepped closer to his bed, "I think I should give you a massage too. It'll help." Dean looked at you, considering the suggestion.

He nodded and you smiled. "Take your shirt off, I'll get the lotion."

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