Incubus (Sam)

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🎶: 'Anathema' by Twenty-One Pilots


You peered around a tree, breathless and terrified to death. "Come on out! It's just good old me, good old Sammy Winchester!" Sam said aloud, trying to lure you out of your hiding place.

You saw him a few trees infront of you. His eyes coal black, with a slight shimmer. They darted from one corner to the other, searching for where you could be.

You shut your eyes, you wanted to cry. You wanted all this to be over. You couldn't do it any more.

Sam was gone, you couldn't see him anywhere. You took a deep breath and turned around.


You swallowed hard. You couldn't feel your legs. You looked down and saw a knife sticking out of your stomach.

"Oh there you are!" Sam said, dimented, "Good night [y/n]." His psychotic laugh echoed through your ears as you fell into the dark ab-

You screamed yourself awake. You were damp with sweat, panting due to the nightmare.

You dared not to even think about what just happened, what you saw and went through. This was your third nightmare in a row, all being about Sam somehow killing you.

You hugged your knees, trembling. You definitely won't be able to fall asleep. Your door swung open, startling you.

"[y/n] are you alright? What happened?!" Sam said with panic. You didn't raise your head, not wanting Sam to see your tears.

You heard him approach you and sit on the bed next to you. "Hey, what's wrong? I heard you scream... I thought you were being attacked," Sam said and held your hand.

You wiped your eyes. "I... I had a n-nightmare. Gosh that s-sounds childish," You could laugh at yourself right now. You were embarassed, causing Sammy to come all the way just because of a stupid nightmare.

Sam hesitated, "What was... The nightmare about?" You froze, immediately taken back to the scene of the stabbing. "You were a demon and-and you stabbed me with a knife," You narrated, starting to feel teary again.

Sam pulled you closer, rubbing your back and trying to calm your shaking body. "Please don't hurt me, please don't," You said between sobs.

"Of course I'm not going to hurt you. Why would I? You're family," Sam said and kissed you head.

Once you were calmed down, Sam got up and walked towards the bedroom door. "Uh, Sam... Could you, if you don't mind, stay with me?" You requested, expecting the obvious 'no' or 'maybe later'.

"Sure... Anything for you [y/n]," He said and climbed into bed next to you. Surprised with the response, you dove under the covers and turned to your side.

Sam wrapped his arms around you, spooning you. "I will protect you, no matter what," Sam said and hummed your favourite song till you fell asleep.

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