Angels Don't Exist (Castiel AU)

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This one is dedicated to GabbyWest1 and archangelspeight for supporting this book! Thanks a ton!

AU where Castiel looks like how Misha did in Stonehenge Apocalypse 😍 (watch the video I added above!)



You groaned as you bent down to touch your feet, as an exercise to stretch your muscles.

"Man that was some work out," You commented on the extremely tiresome vampire hunt that had just gone down. You stood up straight then bent backwards to stretch your back both ways.

"I need to warm up before these," You said as you watched Dean wipe his machete with an old rag. Sam picked at his hair, disgusted at the blood that was sprinkled all over.

"Well, successful hunt calls for a celebration," Dean said and you nodded. "Definitely... but after we all take a shower and change our clothes," You added and went to sit inside the Impala after you took your blood stained jacket off.


You opened the door of the bar and walked in, a smile plastered onto your face. You were relaxed after the shower and definitely happy that the three of you could chill for a couple of days, unless another case came up.

You and Sam went over to a booth while Dean bought you three one shot each. He came back moments later, smiling smugly as he slid one to you and one to Sam.

"Here's to a perfect life in it's imperfect way!" You raised the small glass and klinked it with the boys. They smiled and you three drank all together.

"Now for some beers," You said and Dean nodded, sitting back in his seat. You looked at the bar, you'd eventually have to get the beers, and froze when you saw a guy sitting on one of the stools.

"Oh my God..." Sort of came out of your mouth unintentionally. The Winchesters looked at you with confusion then followed your eyes and looked at the bar.

There was a guy in a dark grey jacket with a t-shirt inside, jeans and boots, with roughed up hair and a slight stubble on his face.

They still didn't understand why you were so... distracted.

"It's him... it's that guy! Wow, he's actually here!" You blurted out. Sam was going to say something but you added on, "I'm going to talk to him." You smirked and got out of your seat.

You looked back once at the guys, who watched your every move out of protection. You couldn't believe that this guy was sitting in the bar.

"Hi," You said slowly once you approached him. He turned to look at you, not expecting someone to talk to him. You gave him a sly look, making him grin. "Hey... sexy," He said smoothly and your heart skipped a beat.

He is like how everyone says... You thought.

You chuckled, trying really hard not to jump onto him. He was very good looking and right now he looked so bad-ass.

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