About A Boy Named 'Deano' (Teen!Dean)

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A/N: [y/nn] --> Your Nickname

🎶: 'Seven7een' by Colorblue


"Alright Dean, I'll call everyday to check on you and the kids but you need to be responsible. You're not a child anymore," John Winchester told his eldest son as he walled over to him on the other side of the car where he stood.

"Dad I'm 17, I know how to take care of myself, and Sam and [y/n]," Dean explained and John Winchester nodded. "I won't be able to contact you during the day and sometimes at night, I'll be busy working cases," John told, "You listen to Uncle Bobby and make sure you follow what he teaches you."

"Yes sir," Dean smiled slightly and saluted, making John nod and smile a bit. Dean picked up his duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder, "Come on Sammy, [y/nn]." You ran to your big brother by 8 years and held his hand tightly. "Bye daddy!" You waved to your father as he drove off, the sound of the Impala's roaring engine slowly fading.

The three Winchester children continued to walk to the house in front of them. "Uncle Bobby's house is so old!" You giggled and Dean chuckled.


The three kids stood at the door and waited for a few moments till the door opened up, revealing Uncle Bobby wearing his flannel and baseball cap.

"Dean, Sam and [y/n]! My favourite children in the world," Bobby spread his arms out and you ran to him, hugging him tight. He gasped a bit then wrapped his arms around you.

"Nice to see you too [y/n]," He said and you smiled, then ran into the living room. "How many children do you know anyways Bobby?" Dean grinned and the old hunter widened his eyes. "None other than you, that's why y'all are my favourite!" He smiled, "Come on, you must be hungry."


"Alright, remember to aim and shoot. This gun is slightly more trickier than a regular pistol," Bobby told Dean and the Winchester nodded.

"Oh, what's this?" You questioned with fascination as soon as you walked towards where Dean was doing target practice, shooting some soda cans stacked on the old cars Bobby repairs.

"[y/n], I told you to stay inside with Sam!" Dean said with irritation. He really wanted to learn all he could from Bobby, and impress his father, but you kept pestering him. What, you love your elder brother more than anything. You look up to him, he's so strong and not scared of anything, and it inspires you.

"But Deano, Sammy got boring. He's busy reading a book about some monster. He loves fairy tales," You informed shyly, then gave him your famous 'puppy eyes' to make sure he'd do something with you.

Dean smiled and sighed, "Fine [y/nn]. I think Uncle Bobby still has our old Twister that we left here last time?" He looked back to Bobby and he nodded. You cheered happily, hugging Dean's legs then running back into the house. "I'll set it up!" You exclaimed all the way back.

Dean was about to leave the outdoor 'shooting range' after setting his gun on the table but Bobby placed his hand on the young Winchester's shoulder. "You know Dean... You've got a gift, you're a fast learner. That's helpful in this line of work," Bobby shared and Dean furrowed his eyebrows. What was he getting at?

"I think, and I'm sure John would agree, that you should stay here for longer and train more. It'll be useful in future hunts," He explained and Dean's heart sunk. "But Bobby, Sam and[y/n] are-"

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