"Do You Smell Smoke?!" (Jared)

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"And then the cookies go into the oven!" You told your 6-year-old daughter, who clapped excitedly. She continued to stare at them through the glass in the oven, impatiently waiting for them to be done.

"We just need to wait a bit and once they're done, I'll take them out," You took off the kitchen mitten from your hand and placed it on the counter, "Then we need to wait a bit more so that they cool down and our tongues don't burn."

She sighed, and you kissed her head. "Lets play something, what's [y/s/n] doing?" You asked and your daughter was about to answer, but you heard two small feet run into the kitchen.

"Mommy, look what I made!" Your son said and opened up his hands, "I made cookies out of PlayDoh!" You took one and pretended to eat it, your kids laughed.

"Very nice sweetheart!" You placed your hand on your hip, "I see that you both can't wait for the cookies to finish!" They licked their lips then ran into the living room.

Sniff! Sniff!

"Do you smell that? There's a weird smell," You questioned, eyebrows furrowed with confusion and concern. "All I smell is yummy cookies!" Your daughter said and rubbed her hands together.

You went closer to the oven. "It smells like gas..." You said to yourself and stared at oven for a while. You shrugged it off then walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Let's go play some board game upstairs huh?" You said and the kids nodded.


"Alright it's my turn now," You took the dice and shook it in your hands, then threw it. You got a 5 and you moved those spaces on the board.

"Mommy, can I go down and have a glass of water?" Your four year old asked and you nodded with a smile. He got up and ran downstairs, only to be met with-


Your son looked into the kitchen, frightened completely. Upon hearing the beeping noise, you told your daughter to stay in her room and you rushed down the stairs.

The kitchen was lit up by a nasty fire. It's flames dances around, the source being the oven. You shielded your eyes slightly, the heat making you feel uncomfortable.

You picked up your son and ran upstairs to where your daughter sat. "What's going on-"

"There's a fire in the kitchen [y/d/n], no need to panic," You explained, stressed out, "Take your brother outside okay? Run as fast as you can, I'm going to call for help."

Your daughter nodded and took her brother by the hand. She climbed down the stairs in a hurry then ran out the front door and to the edge of the lawn. Your daughter watched as the walls of your kitchen started to char.

You grabbed your phone and dialed '911'.

"911, what's your emergency?" A woman said on the phone and you took a breath to calm yourself.

"My house is on fire, I need immediate assistance. I've got two kids who are outside and I..." You started to panic. "Okay tell me your address ma'am," The woman said and you told her your house location. She said that help would be on the way and you cut the phone.

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