"I Do It 'Cause I Care" (John Winchester)

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This imagine is based on an idea given by KyraLeBlanc. Thanks! 😘


You rolled your eyes, hating the conversation you were having right now. "You see that? Huh? That's why I don't like that you hunt [y/n]!"

You slammed your fist on the table, "I'm not a child John. I can do whatever I want. You don't have to butt into everything!" He sat back in his seat and raised his eyebrows.

"Fine, your choice. Do whatever you want Ms. 'Know-It-All'. Fine by me if you break your leg or neck on a hunt," He stood up and leaned on the table as if interrogating you, "All I'm saying is you're not experienced enough for this kind of crap!"

You huffed and crossed your arms as you watched him walk away. "Come on boys, let's go sit in the car," John instructed and his two sons nodded, obeying his order.

You shook your head and sighed. You hated fighting with John like this, especially infront of his boys. They were like your brothers, you being older than Dean by 4 years.

You picked your duffel bag and shut the door of the motel. You thought about it for a moment then walked over to the Impala and sat next to Sam in the back seat.

No way you were sitting in the front beside John.


"I told you not to interfere! Son of a-"

"Fine John FINE! I can't hunt properly. Happy?" You shook your head, appalled at what you just said, "No wait a minute. Screw you John Winchester! SCREW YOU! You're not the boss of me and keeping me in some sort of cage away from cases doesn't help anything! Everyone makes mistakes and I'm a damn good hunter. God knows what goes on in that twisted mind of yours."

You felt like slapping him. You clenched your fist hard to stop you from doing it.

You turned around and walked away from him, after shutting the Impala's door with full force, refusing to return to the motel with them.

You could hear Sam and Dean call your name out but you ignored them. You felt bad about it, they didn't do anything, but you just needed some time off from any and every Winchester.

You need a drink. You made your way to the nearest bar and sat at the counter, asking for three shots.

"Woah, rough night?" A guy walked up to you and smiled. He was pleasant looking, fair faced with slightly messy brown hair. He had the most prettiest hazel eyes and the kindest smile.

"You could say that," You said and drank the second shot. "I'm Jonah," He said and put his hand out. You shook it and smiled widely, "[y/n]. Nice to meet you Jonah."

"[y/n]... nice name," He said and smirked, "How about I by you a drink?" You though for a second then nodded, "Sure, be my guest!"


You laughed at Jonah's story of his early high school days. You couldn't believe that this guy... this fit, bold guy was bullied in high school.

"Wow, it seems as if you've changed," You said and he smiled, looking to the floor. "Now tell me your story. I don't want to sound creepy or-"

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