Black Feathers (Castiel)

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🎶: 'Angel' by The Weeknd


"I think we need Cas for this," Dean told Sam, "He'll be able to track this guy." You looked at him with confusion. "Who's Cas?" You asked with curiosity. The name sounded... Interesting.

"Oh he's a friend of ours, an Angel," Sam answered and you raised your eyebrows. "An Angel? Really?" You said, "Wow."

Living with the Winchesters for a few months meant that nothing seemed to be unreal. New creatures, new cases... It never surprised you that much. Everything was so unexpected about being a Hunter.

The motto, 'Expect the Unexpected' applied very well to your life.

"So... Where is he?" You asked, feeling extremely curious and impatient. "Not here. We need to pray to him and then he'll hear us and come," Dean said and you fidgeted with your fingers.

You watched as Dean shut his eyes and brought his hands together in a prayer like manner. He mumbled something and you perked your ears up to listen but you couldn't comprehend a word.


"Hello Dean," A monotonous voice said. You turned your head to find a man in a beige trench coat staring at the three of you with squinty eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

He started walking towards you, looking at Sam and nodding. "Hey Castiel," Sam greeted, "We need your help with something."

He kept looking at you with fascination, his head tilted to the side a bit. Dean looked at Cas, then at you, then back at Cas.

"Uh, Cas, you must be wondering who this is..." Dean walked over to you as you stood up from your seat, "This is [y/n], a fellow Hunter who's going to be staying with us." Castiel looked at you and gave you a soft smile.

"And [y/n], this is Castiel, the Angel we were talking about," Dean introduced but you were lost in your thoughts, distracted by what you could see.

Infront of your eyes, right behind the Angel in the trench coat, were a pair of the most beautiful, elegant and eye-catching wings you had ever seen in your life... Not that you've seen Angel wings before but... In general.

You were in a trance, hypnotised by its beauty. You raised your hand and stepped forward slowly, wanting to touch them so bad. "Oh my..." You mumbled to yourself.

"Are you okay?" Dean interrupted your thoughts, shattering it into a million pieces. You shook your head a bit, "Huh? Oh sorry. Hi C-Castiel, it's nice to meet you finally."

You shook his hand quickly then sat down and went back to your work. Dean gave his brother a look while Cas squinted his eyes as he watched you type on your laptop.

I must be hallucinating, this can't be real, You told yourself, I'm working too hard.


You tried to avoid him. You just didn't want to be in the same place with him.

You thought he was handsome. You found out about the fact that he was inhabiting a vessel, a human, so you cut out the whole 'judging-by-his-looks' deal.

You had an awkward conversation with him earlier. The topic was general but it was too tense sitting face to face. From then, you've tried to avoid him.

Everytime he comes near you, everytime you see him, you can't help but stare at his wings. If you're hallucinating, and you're pretty convinced you are, then it'll seem as if you're some nut job staring at the walls.

"[y/n], what do you think is the best plan?" Sam asked and you looked up from your book. "What? Oh, umm..." You had no idea how to respond. Your mind was completely occupied by Castiel and his beautiful wings.

Dean raised an eyebrow, "What is wrong with you today? You're acting so weird." You furrowed your eyebrows, "No I'm not."

Dean looked at you less any emotion, "You haven't been involved and you're preoccupied, you stare at the walls sometimes and you're completely ignoring Cas. I thought you wanted to meet him."

You sighed, "I wanted to but I just can't help it!" You stood up and stuck out a hand to him, "They are just so beautiful, it's messing with my mind!"

Dean looked at you with confusion while Sam gave Cas a look. "What's so beautiful?" Sam questioned. You looked at him, puzzled, and asked, "Can't you see them? His wings, they're... Amazing."

Castiel thought for a moment, then realization washed over him. "Soulmate," He whispered and smirked. "What?" You, Sam and Dean said in unison.

"Soulmate, a person with whom one has a strong affinity and often a romantic bond," Castiel explained and Dean stared at him.

"Yeah Cas, we know what a soulmate is," Dean said plainly, "You're saying that [y/n] is your soulmate?" Everyone leaned closer, eager to hear the answer.

"Yes," Cas had this adorable smile on his face, as if he was extremely happy that it was you who was his soulmate, "It's obvious why I feel a pull towards her."

"An Angel's soulmate can see the Angel's wings, as it has been said before," Castiel told, "[y/n] can see my wings so... She must be my soulmate."

Everyone turned to look at you and your cheeks became red. Sure you kind of liked Cas, he was adorable, and sure you found the fact that he was an Angel cool but... It was all so unexpected, all so sudden.

"Well I... Umm, okay," You didn't have any words to express your feelings. Castiel approached you slowly. Sam and Dean stepped aside, letting you both talk privately.

To your surprise, he hugged you. You felt warm and cozy in his strong arms, you had rarely hugged any guys and you knew that you loved the way Cas hugged.

You could have stood like that for another ten minutes but you pulled away. "I'm sorry I was ignoring you earlier. It's just that your wings are so... Mesmerizing," You apologized.

He looked to the floor and smiled, "Do you want to feel my wings? You're the only person who can."

You raised your eyebrows with excitement, "Really? I can?!" You nearly squealed.

He took your hand, rubbing it a bit, and brought it to one side of his wings after he curled it towards himself. The feathers were extremely soft and beautiful, like a pillow or a blanket. If you could, you would have slept on his wings but... It would probably cause him a lot of discomfort.

The way you stared with fascination and the enjoyment Castiel was getting from your gentle touch on his sensitive wings made the Winchesters decide to leave you two alone for a while.

And you probably spent the next three hours with Castiel, getting to know him better and once in a while, touching his flawless black-feathered wings.

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