"I'm Back Baby!" (Castiel)

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🎶: 'Heathens' by Twenty One Pilots


You ran a hand through your hair as you packed weapons into your duffel bag. You felt scared, angry but confident. You were ready to face whatever would come ahead, mentally and physically... or so you thought.

"Come on boys! Let's go," You said, your face minus emotion. You walked ahead, slinging the bag over your shoulder.

Ever since your boyfriend Castiel had said yes to Lucifer using him as a vessel, you had only one mission: getting him back. He had disappeared as soon as he said yes. You had got an indication of where Lucifer!Cas might be and you and the Winchesters planned to go there.

Dean and Sam looked at you then looked at each other. They've been concerned about the lack of emotion you've been showing for the past three weeks. You're known as a very expressive person normally.

"What are you waiting for? The sky to fall?!" You questioned, raising your eyebrows, "Let's go!" The boys followed with no questions asked. Dean started the Impala and Sam sat next to him, acting as the navigator. You sat in the back, drowned in thought of your imprisoned boyfriend.


You entered an old dusty warehouse, gun pointed ahead. Dean was infront of you and Sam behind, both having guns. Dean would warn you both if he heard anything.

You entered an empty room and the moment you let go of your alert stance, you were attacked by a guy.

"[y/n]!" Sam shouted. You sharply turned around, barely missing the guy's blade. It was an Angel blade.

"Well guys, an Angel means we're in the right-"


You fell to the ground, your vision blurry. Your head oozed with blood and you winced in pain before being sucked into a black hole of unconsciousness.


You gasped. You lifted your head to look ahead, only to find you couldn't see anything. If you couldn't feel the blindfold on your face, you'd think you were blind.

You shook vigorously, panicking. You tried to rip yourself away from the wooden pillar but your hands and legs were tied at the back. You huffed at being unsuccessful.

"Sam? Sam!"

You heard Dean's voice. "Dean?" You said, a bit hoarse. "Hey, [y/n]!" Dean sighed with relief. You heard him shift a bit, you could tell he was towards your left. The entrance door was on your right.

Sam coughed and you smiled with happiness. "Oh Sam, you're okay!" You said.

Just then, the door swing open, the sound echoing through the room. You felt a gush of wind on your legs, making your shiver.

"Look who we've got tied up! Sam and Dean Winchester," The guy walked in said.

At first it was hard to tell because of the tone but then you realised... It was Castiel. His vessel's voice at least.

Someone whispered something and then you heard footsteps approach you. "Oh and a bonus. [y/n] [y/l/n]," Castiel but not Castiel said. It had to be Lucifer.

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