'The Best Wife Ever' (Jensen)

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"Baby... I want to spend time with you," Jensen looked into your eyes deeply and held you closer. You stroked his hair slowly and smiled softly, "You can spend all the time you want with me for the rest of your life. You go right now and enjoy yourself."

Jensen sighed, "But we've been married for two days! I want to be with you from the start." You shook your head slightly.


Jensen walked onto stage, a smile on his face as he waved at the crowd below. He was happy to be at the convention and with all these lovely Supernatural enthusiasts.

"Hey guys!" Jensen greeted and Jared waved as well, while he stood next to him. "How are y'all doing?" Jared asked and he crowd answered with a unison 'good!'.


"What if I... Take you with me?" Jensen suggested and you raised an eyebrow. "Babe, it's a Supernatural convention. There is no point of me being there," You told and he sulked.

You felt bad for him. You knew how much he loved you, otherwise you wouldn't be in the position saying that you're 'Mrs. Ackles'.

You walked over to him and hugged his waist. He put an arm over you and pulled you closer to him. "I just... I love you," He said and you kissed his jaw, the only place you could reach from the position you were in.


"Thank you so much Jensen, for coming to the convention today!" A fan said, "We all know that you've been married for just two days and you still came down here. I think I speak for everyone in this room when I say that we love you loads and you're such an amazing person. The world needs more Jensen Ackles."

Jensen looked down, feeling shy at such amazing compliments. "You know it's all because of [y/n]," He told, "She's like, 'Listen, we can enjoy when you get back. You go and you give those people a great, great time and give them my love and give them your love'."

Everyone cheered loudly and Jensen felt proud of having such an understanding life partner.

Everyone cheered loudly and Jensen felt proud of having such an understanding life partner

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"...and she loves how you all are so understanding and caring too."

The crowd cheered again and Jensen smiled widely. "If I hadn't been blessed with such a beautiful and caring woman to spend my whole life with... I don't know what I would have done," He continued and the crowd 'aw'ed, "I certainly wouldn't have been here right now."

"Oh and about the 'more Jensen Ackles'... You can expect it very soon," Jared said and winked. Jensen's eyes widened and he put his arm out as chatter erupted through the crowd.

"Woah woah woah," Jensen slowly turned to Jared then back at the audience, "He is NOT announcing anything whatsoever." He stuck his hand out and Jared laughed at the way he said it.

"Dude! We just got married!" Jensen said, "Give us some time alone then we can think about the next generation." Jared laughed a bit more and the crowd laughed too.


"Fine, I'll go. But I'm not going to like it," Jensen said and you rolled your eyes. You slapped his arm playfully, "Jen, come on. You're doing something good! Sacrificing time with me right now may mean that you'll get so much time with me in the future you'll be begging for conventions!"

He pecked you on the lips to stop you from talking. "Don't say that! I'll never want you to leave me," He said, acting hurt.

You hugged his arm and held his hand. "That's my Jen," You said, "You'll have fun, don't worry! At least Jared will be there with you." Jensen nodded and sighed.


"Thank you all so much for being here! Thank you so much for having us, it was a pleasure spending the day with you guys," Jensen said and Jared nodded.

"Remember to always keep fighting," Jared said and gave the crowd a flying kiss. The crowd cheered as the boys walked off the stage, relaxed. Jensen was extremely happy that the panel was over.

Just two more days till I can be with [y/n]! Jensen thought.

He thought of things to do with you, other than kissing you as much as he could and hugging you and cuddling with you.

He told himself that he'll refuse to go and do the next convention, simple.

But he knew he'd never be able to actually do it. Thinking and doing are two different things. He loved the Supernatural family too much.

And he knows that you wouldn't ever let him skip a convention. Never ever.

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