Special Delivery (Dean Pt.2)

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"I'm not sure that suits her," You told Sam and looked at Dean, "What about-"


"Come in!" Dean said and in came a friend, Castiel the Angel in the trench coat. You were relieved to see him. It had been two hours since the delivery and the last time you had seen Cas was when you thought you were going to die from the labour pain and you told him to get your bag.

"Cas!" Dean said and hugged the Angel. The Angel hugged him back happily. "I apologize for the lateness. I had things to do," Cas said, with his head down, "I hope it didn't cause any difficulty."

"Not at all Cas. They had some spare clothes for the baby and they put those on for her. We can ask them to change her now," You said. Cas walked closer to you, "Where's the baby?" He looked at your now normal sized stomach.

"Cas I'd like you to meet the youngest living Winchester!" Dean said happily and walked over to the cot next to you. Cas looked at her with fascination, "Hello." He watched her move a bit and you all watched Castiel's face for any reaction.

He bent over to pick the baby up. Dean was going to stop him but you gestured to not, watching Cas with trust. Surprisingly, he held her carefully and correctly. Dean was super impressed, even Sam was too. You were confident in Cas.

"My name is Castiel and I'm an Angel uh..." He looked up to you wanting an response about the baby's name. "We haven't named her yet. Any suggestions?"

Cas observed her then looked at you and Dean, "What about Alyxa?" You looked at Dean, then Sam. You weren't expecting Cas to suggest a name like that. You liked it quite a lot.

"A L Y X A," Cas spelt out, "Because she's unique." Dean smirked, "'Alyxa Winchester', I like the sound of that." Everyone in the room had smiles on their faces.

Cas started to place the baby back in the cot but she started to cry half way. When Cas picked her back up, she quietened down a bit. "Wow, that's amazing!" You said, with surprise. "Somebody likes the Angel in the trench coat," Dean said and grinned.

"Now I know who to call for babysitting," You said and chuckled. Dean and Sam smiled. Cas looked at you with confusion, head tilted to the side. Dean rolled his eyes.

Dean put the baby bag Cas had brought on top of the coffee table in the room. There was another rather sparkly bag sitting on the floor and Dean looked at it, puzzled. "Cas is this yours?" He asked and picked it up.

Cas gave you the baby quickly and took the bag from Dean. "This is for the baby," Cas said, "I saw it and had to get it."

He took out a furry and cute huggable teddy bear from inside the bag and put it closer to your daughter, who was in your arms. "Wow, Look at that! It's your first toy!" You said to your daughter.

Castiel smiled. "Happy Birthday!" he said, as it did on the heart the best was holding. "Umm Cas... Birthday?" Dean questioned. "Yes, it is her birthday," Cas replied.

"I don't-"

"Today is the day she was born... The day of her birth and so, happy birth-day," Cas explained. Dean laughed nervously, "Well if you put it that way."

You laughed and Sam smiled. All Dean did was shrug. The baby yawned widely and you placed a finger over her mouth as she did. You smiled as Dean walked closer.

"I think you three boys should head out and let us two ladies have our rest," You suggested and Sam and Cas started to walk out of the room.

"Good night Winchester junior, good night [y/n]," Sam said and walked out. Dean kissed you on the lips and then kissed your daughter on the forehead.

"Anything you need, call any of us," Dean said and kissed your head. You watched him walk away after putting your daughter back in the cot. Before exiting the door your called out, "Dean?" He looked back to you.

"I love you," You said and he looked to the floor. "I love you too," He said and walked out the door.

You couldn't believe that three hours ago you were still a married couple. Now, you're a trio: You, Dean and the baby.

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