Cavities On A Stick (Claire x Gabriel)

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This imagine was requested by ClaireDLJHead.
Thanks for requesting! I hope it's what you wanted!


"Dad I'm home!" You called out as you closed the main door behind you. You paused, not hearing an answer which usually comes immediately. "Dad? Where are you?" You asked, walking down the house hallway to the kitchen.

"Hey sweepharp! Wus hup?" Your dad said with a mischievous grin on his face while his mouth was stuffed with what looked like a lot of chocolate. He had one hand behind his back and you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Dad... What are you eating?" You questioned, squinting and he bit his lip, not wanting to answer. He sighed and brought his hand forward, revealing seven squares of chocolate, wrapped in its foil, left from a large bar.

You looked at him with disbelief and he started to walk away from you, preparing himself for a scolding. "Dad! We talked and you took an oath to not have anymore sweet stuff!" You said with anger. He rolled his eyes and threw a chocolate square in his mouth. You stared at him, unable to say another word.

"Well... I got peckish," He shrugged and you held your forehead. You grabbed the chocolate out of his hands and grasped it tightly. "Dad, you're in trouble now. You know how eating this much sugar is really bad yet you still eat it!" You said and frowned. He looked at you with confusion.

"Why are you worried about me so much Claire?" He inquired and you placed a hand on his shoulder. "Because you're my dad and I don't want you to have some sort of sugar overload. You may never be able to eat chocolates and candy ever again," You answered and sighed.

You both stayed in silence for a moment till you looked to the remaining pieces of chocolate in your hands. You opened the foil and popped two pieces into your mouth.

"HEY!" Your dad yelled while furrowing his eyebrows, "How come you can eat it and I can't?!" You smirked at him.

"Because I exercise and you don't," You responded and he mumbled something unaudible to you.

You walked to the dining table and took your laptop out, working on it while your dad concocted an idea.

"If I tell you a story, will you give me my chocolate back?" He asked and you thought for a moment, then nodded. "If you're story is good enough... I'll give you your chocolate."

Your dad smirked and took a deep breath before narrating his story...

"Hello?" Mama? Dada..." A little girl, of the age of six, witnessed her father fall to the ground after the shadowy figure had fought him and disappeared.

She ran to her father, even though he told her to hide behind the trash cans. "Daddy please wake up," She pleaded as tears streamed dowm her face, "I don't want to play this game."

Her father's face was without life, pale and eyes staring into the distance above. He didn't move at all, a sign that he did not possess any life within him.

"Daddy, wake-"


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