Take 2: The French Mistake! (Misha Ft. Winchesters)

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[y/c/n] --> Your character's name (There is a difference between [y/n], being your actual name, and this being your name in the show)

Long one... Enjoy!


Sam and Dean panted as they ran for their life through the dense and dark forest. You were running for your life as well.

"Come on [y/c/n]! Run!" Dean said as he looked back. You stopped to catch your breath. "Please, I can't anymore," You were completely exhausted.


There was a bright beam of white light, blinding you temporarily. All three of you fell back, terrified at what the light could mean.

In another few seconds you were transported to another location. You opened your eyes and stood up suddenly, confused at the sudden change in place.

You and the Winchesters were in some sort of grey hallway, like the ones in malls that lead to some back entrance. You looked around frantically.

"Hello boys! And... Girl."

You three snapped towards the echoing voice and you could have literally attacked the source.

It was Gabriel.

"Son of a-"

"Before you attack or say anything, I just want to say that I have a good intention for this," He said with his hands in from of him in defense.

"And what exactly is 'this'?" You crossed your arms, feeling uncomfortable suddenly. "Welcome to the real life!" Gabriel gestured to everything around him, "Your chance to relax and feel less stressed for once. You guys have earned it." You were not impressed at any level.

"Well you all have to discover it for yourself so... Enjoy! I'll give you a day, twenty-four hours." He said and snapped his fingers. He was gone within a blink of an eye.

You stomped your leg in anger and looked at the boys with frustration. They walked ahead and opened the heavy metal door, its clangs bounced off the walls. You checked your watch: 3:30 PM.

"Guys it's 3:30 PM, we have twenty-four  hours," You said but the boys weren't paying attention. "What the... What is this place?" Dean questioned. You shrugged, unaware of what the carpeted floor and tables all over the room meant.

"It looks like a hall or something,"Sam stated as you stared at the few people standing and sitting inside the room.

Just then, a group of girls walked past your three with grins on their faces. "Hi Jensen! Hi Jared! Hi [y/n]!" They said in some sort of chorus. You guys waved hesitantly and looked at each other with horror and confusion.

"Jared? Jensen?" You said and Dean shut his eyes in realization. "Oh no," He said and you furrowed your eyebrows. "This has happened before with Balthazar, another Angel. He sent us to this alternate reality where our life is a TV show and we're actors in it," Sam explained but your expression still remained of confusion.

"You'll see. It's freaking weird," Dean said and shivered in annoyance. "But this isn't the same place," Sam said, "Last time we got sent to the show's set. This doesn't look like a set."

"Hey honey!" A guy said and walked towards you. It was Cas. "Hi Ca-"

He kissed you on the lips, making you feel weird all at once. You don't know where the command came from but you felt inclined on making it deeper. You heard groans from Dean and Sam cleared his throat. Cas just enjoyed it.

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