Stranger Danger? (Ashlyn x Castiel)

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This imagine was requested by azminafatima


"Thank you," You told a gentleman who offered you a seat on the train. You wheeled your baby's stroller close to you, observing the many passengers awaiting their next destination.

Your son dropped his toy car and cried a bit. You picked it up and smiled while giving it back to him. "There you go," You said and he started driving it around.

The train stopped at the next station, completely filling the compartment you sat in. People were all around you, standing, making it extremely claustrophobic and suffocating.

You heard wings flap. They sounded like a bird's and startled you, given the fact you were on a train. You looked to your left to find a man standing by the train door, a man that wasn't there a few seconds ago.

Your eyes widened as you stared at the man with fear. Your son started crying when he saw that the man in the beige trench coat was looking at him.

"Shhh... It's okay," You tried to calm your son down. You patted his chest softly, the attempt relaxing him.

The man tilted his head with fascination. He stepped closer but you looked to him with furrowed eyebrows.

You picked your son out of his stroller and placed him in your lap. He felt comfortable in your arms, never looking away from the peculiar man.

You couldn't look away too. He looked horrible to be honest, not in the mean way, he was just covered in cuts and scars. He appeared really tired, as if he were about to faint.

You avoided his gaze, acting as if you couldn't see him. He stepped closer and you moved a bit, making it discreet so he wouldn't notice.

"Umm... Excuse me," The man said in a monotonous deep voice. You looked to him hesitantly and forcefully smiled. "I believe this is yours," He had your son's toy car in his hand, which he gave to your son. You son pursed his lips out and started crying with tears.

You moved your legs from side to side trying to comfort your son, while panicking a bit. The man looked sad, a bit guilty even. "I apologise. I-I should go," He said and put the rattle in the stroller. You reached out and held his coat sleeve. "He isn't that good with strangers," You said and the man nodded.

"I'm Ashlyn by the way," You introduced. "My name is Castiel," He said and smiled. You moved a bit to the side, suddenly feeling comfortable around him. "Why don't you sit down?" You said and patted the seat next to you. He thought for a moment then gave in. He stayed in his space, close to the hand railing of the seat.

Your son had quietened down, your feeling of being comfortable making him feel the same too. He put his hand in his mouth, staring at fascination at Castiel.

"You have a beautiful son," Castiel said and smiled at him. You smiled widely, "Thank you."

You liked Castiel. He seemed like a decent person but... Something bothered you.

"Umm Castiel, I hope you don't mind me asking but... Why are your clothes so tattered and your face all messy?" You asked, immediately feeling bad for asking after finishing your question.

He looked to the floor, fidgeting with his hands. He had learnt from his friends, the Winchesters, to not be completely open and truthful to anyone and everyone he meets.

"I was in a fight with someone and I was unable to clean my clothes. I've been travelling non stop," Castiel explained and you gave him a sympathetic look. You searched through your handbag for a piece of paper and a pen. You took out an old faded receipt and wrote a number and address on it.

"Here. It's an address to a laundromat at the next stop. They're really cheap priced," You have him the paper and smiled. He stared at the address and softly smiled, placing it in his coat pocket. "Thank you. I appreciate your help," He said.

The train began to come to a halt, after the conductor spoke out the next stop, the one you were getting out on.

You got up and placed your son back in his stroller. "Where are you going?" Castiel asked. "This is my stop," You said, "The laundromat is at the next stop by the way."

When the train came to a halt, you got out and waved to Castiel, who waved back sadly. He missed your company, even though he didn't know a thing about you.

The train's doors were about to close when Castiel saw it. He ran out of the train and towards you.

"Ashlyn!" He called out. You looked back, surprised and happy to see Castiel. "Castiel, what are you doing? The train!" You said, panicking.

He was slightly breathless. "No... You," He took a deep breath, "Dropped this." He handed you your son's toy car and you raised your eyebrows.

"Oh. Wow," You said and a smile curled on your lips, "Thank you." You were about to take it but you stopped.

"I think you should keep it," You said and he looked at you with confusion, "It isn't much use for you but it'll at least remind you of me and this day." You smiled and he nodded.

"Anyways, he doesn't seem like he wants it," You said and looked down to your son, who was fast asleep.

"Well... See you around Castiel. Nice to meet you!" You said and he nodded. You started to walk away, looking back once to find him standing there looking at the toy. He looked up and waved at you, you waved back.

You didn't know why you were interested in him. It seemed as though there was more to him than meets the eye. You had a ton of questions you wanted to ask but that would probably be saved for another day.

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