"I'd Like To Introduce..." (TFW)

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This is dedicated to KyraLeBlanc who is a super super super sweet person!!! You're amazing! 😍👌

🎶: 'Sign Of The Times' by Harry Styles



You pounded on the large, metal main door of the Bunker. Soon after, Dean opened it, a big smile on his face.

"Hey [y/n]! How was your trip?" He asked as he hugged you. You kissed him on the cheek and hugged back tightly, enjoying the embrace. You loved Dean's hugs.

"It was good! Very relaxing," You answered. Dean smiled at the guest next to you then helped with carrying your bags. You both, along with your guest, walked down the Bunker's stairs. Sam was waiting in the main hall, excited to see you.

"Hi [y/n], I hope you had a good trip!" Sam said as he came over to hug you. You kissed him on the cheek and buried yourself in the tall Winchester. He looked at the guest behind you and smirked.

"Where's Castiel?"

Just then, the Angel walked into the room, happy to see you. You hugged him after kissing him on the cheek. He held you tightly and smiled softly.

"Hi Castiel," You said and he pulled away. "I presume you had a nice trip," He said and you nodded.

You walked over to your guest and cleared your throat. You put a hand on her and grinned.

"Everyone! I'd like you to meet my sister, [y/s/n]," You announced and your sister smiled shyly. "Hi guys," She said and the boys greeted her in unison.

You talked... A lot, at least for three hours. They were extremely curious about your one month vacation-hunt-tutoring. You had gone to your sister's place to finally help and teach her about the supernatural world. The boys were also eager to learn everything about your sister.

"That's basically all about me," [y/s/n] concluded. Sam smiled, "Well, it's great to finally meet you. Your sister has told us so much about you." Your sister looked at you happily.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm starved," Dean said and stood up. You nodded and stood up too, wanting to have a nice cheese burger right now. You knew that Dean wanted the same thing too.


5 days later

You were starting to boil inside. It wasn't fair at all. You looked at your sister bitterly. All this new attention she was getting was bothering you a lot.

You know that you shouldn't be jealous of your sister because... She's family but, if you did know that she would be the center of discussion, you wouldn't have brought her, as selfish as it sounds.

You felt guilty, no doubt, but it was starting to hurt you inside. You didn't want your relationship with your sister to get ruined. She was new to the whole-

"Wow, [y/s/n] you are the best darn Hunter I've seen so far!" Dean said a bit too loudly. He realized then looked back to you with fear. You looked at him with your jaw hanging.

He says I'm the best darn Hunter he's seen so far... You thought and stood up suddenly.

You stormed out of the library and ran to your room. Dean ran the same way, Sam and your sister not far behind him. You had a closer relationship to Dean than to Sam.

He banged his fists on your door, "[y/n], open the door. You know I didn't mean what I said!" You threw a book you had in your hand to the door, which made an awfully loud noise. Dean backed away in surprise and frowned.

He looked at Sam, who put a hand on his shoulder. "[y/n] please don't do this," Your sister said. You paused for a second, then went back to your crying session.

There was silence but you knew that they still stood outside your door. You walked slowly and opened the door, looking at their feet. You turned around, walked to your bed and sat down, hugging your feet.

Sam and Dean entered your room but your sister stayed outside and watched. You looked at her with your teary face. She looked back with a heart broken face. You buried your head in your knees as Sam rubbed your shoulder.

"Come on, [y/n]. You know you're an amazing Hunter," Dean said, "We just want your sister to feel at home and feel motivated. She's a new Hunter so..."

"You guys don't even care about me anymore. You don't even look at me," You sobbed. Dean looked at his brother with sadness.

"[y/n] we just want to help [y/s/n] with getting to know about hunting. That's why we give her most of our attention," Sam said softly, "Wouldn't you do the same if we both had a sibling that was new to hunting? Wouldn't you want to make the person feel at home?"

You thought for a moment. You would definitely want the person to feel comfortable. You'd definitely spend a lot of time with them.

But you thought that you and Dean had a thing going on... That he liked you. But now, he just compliments and spends all his time with your sister.

"We love you [y/n]... me, Dean and Castiel," Sam said, "Even [y/s/n] loves-"

"Sam, Dean," Castiel said breathlessly. You three turned to him with confusion. He looked concerned, "You're sister... She's gone."

You furrowed your eyebrows, puzzled at his statement. "W-What-"

"She took her belongings and rushed out the door," Castiel said, "I tried stopping her but she didn't turn back."

Dean pushed past the Angel and hurried towards the library. "She looked upset," Castiel said and looked to his shoes.

Sam held your hand as he helped you up to your feet. You both walked to your feet, well... You jogged to the library. You hoped that Castiel was playing some game or prank.

You searched frantically for your sister but there was no sign of her. Dean stood at the table with his shoulders slumped. He turned around with grief plastered on his face.

He had a paper in his hand and he held it out towards you. He slowly gave you the sheet and you read it:

Dear [y/n],

I loved meeting Sam, Dean and Castiel, and spending time with them these past few days. It was the best thing that's happened in a long time but if it means that I need to see you unhappy and upset, then it's best if I'm not around.
I can't stay here, I'm sorry.
I hope we meet soon, and that the Winchesters and Castiel come with you too.
I love you to the ends of the earth.

Your sister,

You started crying again but this time it was quiet, with the tears secretly rolling down your cheeks. Sam walked up to you and read the note from over your shoulder. "She left..." You said, feeling empty inside.

And then the guilt hit you.

"She left because of me," You said, "Because I'm a good-for-nothing jealous wreck."

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