Rapid Eye Movement (Castiel Pt. 1)

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Dean paced around impatiently and frustrated. "What the hell is wrong with her?!" He yelled as he stared at your close-to-lifeless body. "I don't know Dean! Quit yelling, it's not helping," Sam argued.

You had been in a massive fight against some creature, till something really unexpected happened. You have been comatose for days. The only sign of you being alive was your steady, slow breathing.

"Cas, where have you been?!" Dean shouted after he heard the flapping of wings behind him. Castiel looked like a mess ever since you had gone in this state. He was more emotionless than usual, hair and clothes messy, stained with dried up tears. You're really close to him.

"Dean, s-she should be in a h-hospital," Cas struggled to say. He didn't dare to look at you, ever since what happened last time. He was drowned with guilt, even though he didn't do anything, and disappeared for two days completely, sobbing and crying himself throughout the day and night.

"Well we can't exactly tell them 'Oh our friend was attacked by a supernatural creature. We're not sure what it is but we think it sucks the life and dreams out of people, leaving them in a state like this'," Dean sat down and opened up a bottle of beer.

Cas was about to say something but Sam spoke. "He's right Cas, we can't take her. She's in this state because of supernatural powers and normal medication or care won't help," Sam sighed. Castiel sat on the couch, staring at the floor.

"We just need to keep searching," Sam looked to Cas, "She'll be fine, don't worry." Dean stepped forward, examining your hand.

He held it, looking at your fingers. "What is that? What's happening?!" Dean questioned and Sam moved closer. There were black veins on your hand that were growing onto the rest of your arm. "Some kind of spread of something. Not sure what," Sam said as he stood up.

Suddenly, you started twitching as if you were having a seizure. You couldn't breathe properly. You were still unconscious, eyes shut tight. Your feet started shaking, then you snatched your arm away from Dean.

They held you down once the movements grew. You screamed in pain, all of this happening without you aware of it.

"C-CAS!" You shouted, making the Angel get up and rush to you. "P-Pleasssee don't hurt m-my Cas," You cried out. Cas bit his lip to stop himself from breaking down. He held your hand and squeezed it. You calmed down a bit, but it didn't help much.

The boys stepped back a bit as Castiel bent down, so that he was eye level with your body that was laying down on the couch. He moved closer to your ear, whispering in Enochian:

'Elasa bolape en sunshine crp sunshine'
'Elasa conisa ol ci ta skies bolape grey'

*Zooms into your mind*

You screamed. The pain was too much. You felt faint, you would probably pass out in a few moments.

'Elasa bolape en sunshine crp sunshine'

You stopped, ignoring your pain. That voice, you hadn't heard it for a very long.

'Elasa conisa ol ci ta skies bolape grey'

You knew what those words translated to. "CAS! CAS! Are you there? Please help me!" You shouted at the top of your lungs.

The voice stopped. You were going to cry. It was lonely in your mind, there was no one with you.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey," You sang back through your tears. You had no will to finish the rest. Everything hurt so much.

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