Surprise Setting (Dean Ft. Castiel & Sam)

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Dean parked the Impala outside the Bunker door, where he usually parks it. You smiled at him as you got out. You were so happy.

You helped him take out your luggage from the car trunk: two trolley bags. You had just finished your honeymoon at your dream location. You enjoyed spending time with your new husband, all alone.

He closed the car trunk and wrapped his arms around you. You snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him for a kiss.

You kissed him hard. Sam and Cas were waiting inside the Bunker, limiting you to how much you could do with Dean.

"I love you," Dean said as he placed his forehead on yours. "I love you too baby," You said and smiled. You held his hand and dragged your trolley towards the Bunker's door.

You knocked on the door. After no response you tried opening the door, and it did. "Guys we're back!" Dean announced, again gaining no response.

You two climbed down the stairs, worry starting to wash over you as there was no sign of both Cas or Sam.

Just as you were about to ask Dean, the Angel in the trench coat entered the room. "Hello Dean and [y/n]," He greeted and smiled softly. You walked over to him and hugged him. Dean did the same after you.

"Hi Cas, how are you doing? What's been happening?" You asked. "Nothing much, just doing things," He replied, "I presume you two had a good time. Made a lot of love?" He winked at you and you turned pink. Well... You did but... That's a story for another day.
You turned to Dean who had an emotionless face. "Cas where's Sam?" Your husband asked. "He's... Out. He's getting some stuff," Cas answered, a bit nervous. You looked at him, eyes squinted with suspicion. You shrugged it off when Dean held your hand tightly.

"Well, the Mrs. and I are going to put our stuff in the bedroom and relax," Dean said and pulled you closer. You smiled and walked with him towards your bedroom.

Cas held Dean's shoulder, "Wait why don't you stay here till Sam returns?" Dean gave him a suspicious look, "What's going on?" He looked at you then back at Cas.

"You should stay here till SAM comes," He said a bit too loudly. As if on cue, the younger brother entered the room.

"Hey guys, what's up?" He said, hands on his hips. Dean and you felt weird, clueless to what schemes Cas and Sam were up to.

"Nothing... We want to rest but... You guys aren't letting us," You glanced from Sam to Cas. They both were acting so strange, you wanted to know why immediately.

"What are you talking about? You guys can go rest," Sam said and gestured towards the corridor. "But-" Cas was interrupted. "They can go now," Sam said with a stiff jaw.

As you followed Sam and Cas, Dean came closer to you and whispered, "They are acting so weird right now." You nodded and hugged his arm.

You were walking towards Dean's bedroom but Sam stopped you. "We have something to show you," He grinned. Sam led you to another room, one that you think you hadn't even stepped in throughout the time you've spent at the Bunker.

Sam opened the door with suspense. He switched on the light, illuminating a nicely set up bedroom with a queen sized bed and other furniture. It looked perfect, at least for you and Dean.

You would have thought it was some sort of past time project Sam and Cas had done while you were gone if it wasn't for the big sign on top of the bed frame that said 'Welcome Home Mr. and Mrs. Winchester' in scrawly but cute handwriting. It was so colourful, glitter and different shapes of coloured paper cut out and stuck on to it. It looked similar to a pre schooler's class art work. You giggled as you thought Cas must have made it.

"Wow... This room is for us?" You asked looking at Sam. You spotted some new furniture, like a cushion chair, in the room. Sam smiled, "Yes it is. We wanted you guys to come back happy, a fresh new start and kind of... Keep the hunting a little away."

"We found an unused bedroom that was sufficient for two people to stay in and thought that you both could use it," Castiel explained. You walked over to the bed and sat on it. You patted the place next to it and Dean sat next to you.

"You guys are amazing. Thank you," You said with a soft smile. "We thought that you guys had done something bad... The way you both were acting," Dean said and chuckled. "Nah I was just doing the final set up so I told Cas to stall," Sam revealed.

You all remained in silence for a while until Dean spoke, "Now we both would like some alone time for a little bit and then we'll join you."

Sam went behind Cas and started to push him towards the door. "Yeah sure! Take your time," He said and smiled.

"But don't take too long, we have another surprise for you!" Cas announced. You looked Dean and raised an eyebrow. Sam and the Angel exited the room, which left you and Dean smirking at each other.

"Well, Mr. Winchester... What do you think is the other surprise?"

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