Gymtastic (Misha Pt. 1)

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🎶: 'Say You Won't Let Go' by James Arthur


You took your jacket off, leaving a sleeveless red gym shirt on with your black tights. You raised your foot and rested it on a bench, tightening the laces on each shoe.

You tightened your ponytail and walked over to a treadmill, setting it on one of the exhausting options, one with hills.

You stood on top and pressed START, brisk walking at first which soon turned to running.


You turned back to find someone entering the gym, a guy. You had seen him for the past few days you've been coming in the afternoon.

He was a pretty fit guy, who always wore black gym shorts and a t-shirt. His hair was always messy, sometimes a ball cap on his head worn backwards.

The guy always had his headphones in his ear, you didn't get a chance to talk to him. You're not quite sure why you wanted to interact with him.

He walked up to the treadmill next to yours and looked at you, smiling briefly. You smiled back, all while running over 'hills'.

You both ran side by side for a while. You listened to your tunes while he did the same. You finished before him though, his eyes followed your every movement.

You walked over to the exercise mat, doing some crunches and a plank in the end.

You got up and went over to your things, grabbing your water bottle and replenishing your thirst.

"Hey uh, are you using this?" The guy asked as he gestured to the mat. You smiled and shook your head, "No, you can use it."

You exhausted your energy on some of the other machines then decided it was time for you to leave. The guy had the same thought, walking over to get his bag as you got yours.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before," The guy asked and you smiled slightly. "I used to come here in the evenings but there was change at my workplace so now I come at this time," You informed and he nodded understandingly.

"I'm Misha by the way," He introduced and put his hand out. You shook it and replied, "[y/n]."

You slung your bag over your shoulder after you wiped you neck and hands with a towel. "Well I'll see you around Misha," You smiled and he gave you a 'thumbs up'.

You walked towards the gym door, glancing back once, then exiting and heading towards your car.


You saw him everyday for the next week. He'd always come after you at around the same time in the afternoon. Misha would always join you at the treadmill, taking the one next to you. At one time, another lady had taken that spot and you could have sworn that you saw him frown.

You both enjoyed each other's company, a visit to the gym became more a socialising area than just for getting fit. You got to know Misha more, and he learnt a lot about you.

"Hey, uh, I wanted to ask you if you want to go out sometime. Maybe for coffee?" Misha asked and you smiled softly. "Sure I'd love to," You responded as you stretched your legs on the bench.

You looked at your watch. You had been here for about two hours, you usually leave when it hits one and a half.

You gathered your things and were about to head to the door when two kids ran inside.

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