'It's Where She Lies, Broken Inside' (Sam)

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🎶: 'Nobody's Home' By Avril Lavigne

(The song adds depth to the imagine... 🙏 Listen to it, trust me)

⚠WARNING⚠: This imagine involves self-harm and low self esteem, topped with guilt, so if you feel uncomfortable about those things, BEWARE.

You ALL are beautiful and unique in your own way... I love each and every one of you, I'm not lying.
(If you ever wanna talk about anything, just message me! I'm always there 😘)


You sat on the comfy cushion that was placed in the corner in your bedroom. You normally use it when you're reading, your reading lamp acting as a spotlight above your head.

But other times, it's a place you sit at and cry... cry about when all the things that had gone wrong in your life.

It happened two months ago, your whole world was turned upside during just one night.

"[y/n], your mother and I have made a decision. You shouldn't  go to that party," Your father instructed and turned back to look at his phone, scrolling through a news app.

"And anyways, there's drinking bound to happen and there's boys there-"

"Mom I'm not going to sleep with them! I'm not like that and you know it!" You said, slightly louder than you should. Your father took his reading glasses off and looked at you straight in the eye.

"[y/n], no arguing with your mother! We have finalised this and nothing is going to change our mind," He said firmly and you growled in frustration.

"You know, just ONCE I've asked you for letting me go for a party with my friends and you say no," You yelled, "What kind of parents do that?! You can't lock me up like some fairytale princess forever!"

You ran up the stairs in your house, your shoes stomping hard on the surface. You hurried to your room and slammed the door shut, collapsing onto your bed and crying into your pillow.

But did you listen to them? No... no you didn't.

You sneaked out of your house, your friend came over and picked you up in her car after you slipped out of the window. You changed in the car, previously wearing black clothes so you wouldn't be spotted in the dark.

Though you felt the hint of guilt all the way and at the party, you kept your word about not being too close to guys.

You came back home, giggling and laughing with your friend. She dropped you off and you quietly walked up to your main door.

You found the door unlocked and ajar, to your surprise. You were terrified, bad thoughts and images coming into your mind.

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