Professor Collins (Misha AU)

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The only appropriate Uni course I could think for Misha was 'Literature' because if you've seen his Snapchat, his story is always about poetry... and he also writes poems.

Whatever Literature stuff I've put in thus is all thanks to my Literature class I took!



"...And that's exactly why Milton's 'Paradise Lost' is considered phenomenal," Professor Collins told the class, where many looked through the classic poem once again.

"Alright everyone, before I dismiss you all, I need to remind you of the individual presentations to be presented on your allocated topics of 'Twelfth Night' written by the wonderful William S.," The professor said and you nodded, feeling a bit anxious.

He waved his arm and said, "Class dismissed! Please leave your assignments on my desk for me to mark."

You got up from your seat after placing your laptop in your bag. You took out your 8-paged typed out binded task and climbed down the rows of seats.

You've taken Literature as your course in university and you're taught by Professor Misha Collins, a published poet and an amazing person who is super enthusiastic about the subject he teaches.

You placed your work on his table, he was writing something down on the board. You were going to leave the class but the professor stopped you.

"[y/n]! Please, a word," He said and smiled. You walked over to him and he leaned on his desk, one hand on the top while his feet were crossed over each other.

"I'm looking forward to your presentation! Your last one about Shakespearean conspiracies was eye-opening," He complimented and thanked him, although the feeling of nervousness didn't go away.

"Professor... I actually wanted to talk to you about my presentation," You said and he listened intently. He widened his eyes as he remembered something.

"But before you say anything else, do you mind walking with me to Professor Maurader's office? I need to give him my evaluations," He requested and you nodded happily.

You hugged onto your books in your hands and followed Professor Collins out of the class. You jogged a bit till you walked right next to him.

You couldn't help but notice his bowtie. He always wore one, with a blazer on top, making you wonder if he owned anything else.

He looks adorable in his-

Wait. One. Moment.

No way am I having the hots for my Literature teacher, You thought and shrugged the idea off.

"So tell me, what are your doubts about the presentation?" He asked and you cleared your throat.

"Well... I'm not sure what to make of Sebastian and Antonio's relationship throughout the play," You told and he nodded slowly.

You continued to walk beside him, glancing at people around you from time to time. They kept whispering and talking while looking at you and staring.

"We talked about homoeroticism in one of our previous lectures... You can apply that," He said and you sighed.

"I've talked about that but I don't know what else to do besides it," You explained, "Sure, the guys love each other and one of them is heartbroken but what else?"

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