Doppelganger (Spencer x Castiel ft. Misha)

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This imagine was requested by WillowLaurenGCoy.
This is sort of an AU, with The French Mistake concept (S06E15)


"I hate it when this happens," Dean complained, "Seriously, why does this happen to us so much?! A second time!" Sam looked at his brother with annoyance and didn't comment on anything.

You, Cas and the Winchesters were zapped into the real world once again, just like when Balthazar had done it years ago... but this time it was different. You didn't take place of the actors in the other dimension, you were just added to this other world. The real Jensen, Jared and Misha are walking around right now as well.

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at the boys with alarm. "We cannot be caught by our counterparts. It could cause something bad to happen," You warned, "Something related to time and space."

Sam looked at each one of you one by one with concern. "Alright, everyone split up and try to find something to get back. Don't get caught. If any issues, call," The younger Winchester instructed and you all nodded, choosing a path to follow.

You walked ahead, completely alert and frightened at the fact that you didn't want to see the 'you' of this dimension. You looked ahead, then turned-

"Hey Nina!" A voice called out and you looked at the source sharply.

It was Cas... but it wasn't him exactly.

Oh no, it's that guy Misha, You thought with a look of horror on your face.

"Nina, I've been looking all over for you. They'll be shooting soon and we need to prepare," Misha told and you looked at him with slight confusion, not used to being called 'Nina', your name is Spencer.

Must be the actress' name who plays me on the show, You thought.

"Okay... Misha," You said, slightly flinching at saying his name. You didn't want him to be suspicious of you so you smiled at him.


Sam and Dean hear voices up ahead, around the trailer's corner.

"I just got a call from Danneel. She said she got the package," Jensen told Jared and his friend smiled. "Oh that's great! I hope it turns out good," Jared commented.

Dean looked at his brother, "I've got an idea. Follow my lead." Sam looked with confusion but listened to his brother, asking no questions.

Dean sneaked upon the unsuspecting Jensen Ackles and hit him on the head with the back of his gun. Jensen stumbled and fell to the floor, unconscious. Sam was alarmed but quickly did the same thing to Jared.

"Okay now what?!" Sam questioned anxiously. "Well," Dean chuckled, "I didn't think we'd reach till this point and-"

Sam rolled his eyes and wrapped Jared's arm across his shoulder, pulling him behind the trailer. Dean did the same and the brothers decided to put the two unconscious actors in one of the trailers.

They dust their hands in a job accomplished then walk out, closing the door tightly behind them. "Where's Cas?" Dean asked and Sam shrugged. "Where's Spencer?" Dam questioned and the brothers huffed.

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