Badum Tish! (Mark S.)

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This imagine was requested by DangerouslyClose! I hope it's something you like!

Thanks for the first Mark Sheppard imagine of this book!!

(Pls comment if you guys want more Mark Sheppard)


You watched your boyfriend play on stage as other members of the Supernatural cast sang along and played other instruments too.

You smiled at how talented he is. You had met him on the set of Supernatural a year ago and have been his girlfriend for four months.

You clapped when the song ended then started walking to the side of the stage. You stood there anxiously waiting for him to walk off stage.

"Hey love," He came of the stage and over to you as you heard the audience applaud. He pecked you on the lips and you smiled, tracing the stitching on his jacket.

"You were great today. You played so well," You said softly and he grinned. "I play better when I know you're watching," He said smoothly, "Got to impress, you know?"

You chuckled, "You always impress me Mark." He was going to kiss you again but one of the cast members tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked to the door then held your hand. You both walked together out of the panel hall, smiles on your faces.


"Love, come on. Come here," He put his hand out and pulled you into his lap. You giggled at his action, he placed an arm around your waist.

He was sitting on the stool for his drum set, jamming out. He does that for about one and a half hours till he sits with you for the rest of evening, watching a movie or just cuddling.

This time however, you had come to give him some coffee but he refused that you leave. He wanted to show you a few drum tricks.

"Okay so, these are the drum sticks-"

"I know what everything is silly! I just don't know how to play," You informed, "That's the snare, that's the bass drum. There are different types of cymbals and that one is the ride and there's the crash."

You pointed to each part of the drum as you said it's name, and he smiled. Mark kissed your neck and you laughed. He suddenly sat up straight, "Okay, let me teach you something basic."

He taught you a simple drum beat of four counts, first showing you and letting you listen then teaching you step by step.

In the next half an hour, you could play it really well and even a bit more faster. Mark was extremely impressed.

"Wow [y/n], you're a fast learner! You sure you haven't played drums before?" Mark asked and you shook your head with a smile. "Nope! Maybe it's because I come from a musical family..." You thought for a moment and Mark kissed your cheek.

"You make me so proud," He said and you pecked his lips. You both got up and he held your hand. You walked out of the room and to the living room.

"Let's watch a movie. What do you think?" He asked and you smiled. "Sure... But I'm definitely going to play the drums again, if you don't mind," You said and he raised his eyebrows.

"Of course love, you don't even have to ask," He said and grinned.

You would definitely try the drum kit again...


1 and a half weeks later...

Mark had become pretty busy these days, leaving you alone at home for two to three hours. That gave you enough time.

Every time he left, you'd jog to his drum kit and practice. You played for three hours everyday and you could say that you had gotten pretty great. You knew how to play complex drum beats, and play some songs as well.

But, you didn't realise when the main door opened up just an hour and a half after Mark had left today.

Mark looked confused as the sound of drums filled the whole apartment. He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to the bedroom. He pushed the door open slightly, raising his eyebrows and grinning when he saw you sitting and playing.

You ended dramatically by throwing the sticks in the air, only to fall behind you. "Oops," You mumbled and giggled. You turned around and your eyes widened to find Mark standing at the door.

"P-Please tell me you just entered when I finished," You dreaded his response. He smirked, "Damn girl, this is such a turn on."

"Oh God..." You threw the sticks on the bed and got up. You didn't dare to look into his eyes. You opened the bedroom wider and walked past him.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked and you went to the living room without saying a word. "I don't like playing infront of people, Mark," You said and crossed your arms, getting a glass of water to calm your nerves.

"But you're so good love. Lord, I wish I had heard the whole thing!" He said. You shook your head and frowned. "You have to play for me. You're so talented," Mark said, "When did you learn? I've never heard you play..."

"Whenever you're out I'd practice. Like I said, I don't want to play infront of you," You huffed. "Why?! You play so-"

"Mark you play amazingly and I just-I don't want to mess up infront of you and embarrass myself," You explained and he walked towards you.

"I don't care if you mess up. The best musicians mess up... Anyways, who said you'd mess up? You underestimate yourself [y/n]," He lifted your chin and kissed your cheek.

"Please play for me," He said in the most innocent and calm way possible. You sighed, "Fine... just because I love you."

He smiled and hugged you, "I love you too." You both walked to the bedroom and you sat on the drum stool.

You cleared your throat and rubbed your hands. You started to play and he stared at you with awe.

"You're sexy when you play. It's making me all tingly inside!" He chuckled and you laughed. You continued to play and he sat infront you on the bed.

"You have to play at the next Supernatural convention. Come on, it'll be fun," He said and you frowned. "I don't know..."

"Trust me. You'll be great and it'll be such a surprise!" Mark said excitedly then you grinned. "Okay, fine," You smiled with your teeth widely.

"I'm so gifted to have a gift like you," Mark mumbled and smirked. He's never been prouder of you than he is right now.

[y/n]... my sexy drummer, He thought and smiled.

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