100) "Is that a flirtation?!" (TFW)

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This imagine does not have 'you', the reader, as a character, only the boys (Team Free Will)
(Just for a change! 😉)

🎶: 'Moonshine' by Bruno Mars


Dean drove ahead in the Impala. Sam was sitting next to him and Cas was at the back. There was a case involving a vampire who takes its victims from clubs then they end up either dead or transformed.

"What's the bar called again?" Dean asked as he took a left turn. "It's called 'Jungle' and it's a club, not a bar," Sam clarified and Dean furrowed his eyebrows.


Dean sulked a bit. Hunts usually ended up in bars, not clubs. He looked back to Cas who had a frown on his face.

Soon, the boys reached the club. The sign glowed neon, a line of people stood outside waiting to enter. Sam, Dean and Cas got out of the car and made their way to the entrance. They had weapons hidden under their clothes, a knife each and Sam had a syringe of Dead Man's Blood just incase.

They stood in the line, Dean huffed. He hated waiting, he lacks the patience. The bouncer looked at the three men with an eyebrow raised. He stopped at Cas and looked at him with fascination. He had a small smile on his lips as he gestured for them to enter.

Lights flashed and music blared through the speakers. It was enough to cause a person epilepsy. It was a rave, people danced like they've never done it before. Sam, Dean and Cas felt so out of place.

They walked ahead with caution. Everyone couldn't help but stare at Cas... It was peculiar. Dean looked at everyone with questioning looks.

"Sam what the hell is this place?!" Dean said stifly. Cas tapped Dean on the shoulder, a look of horror on his face. "Dean... Everyone is-"

Dean's eye got caught by a guy dancing on the stage, with people watching and surrounding him. "Wait a-" Dean looked speechless. "Dean, everyone here are males," Cas said and Dean stared without any emotions.

"We're in a gay club?!" Dean said a bit too loudly, earning a few stares from some guys. Sam nodded, "I guess we are. We're dealing with a different kind of vampire, one that likes guys. Who knew?"

"I'm out of here," Dean said and started to walk out but his brother grabbed his collar. "Just wait a second Dean. You always say you're the handsome one of us so maybe we could use it to our advantage," Sam suggested and Dean shook his head furiously.

"No no no, I'm not being b-bait for a g-guy," Dean argued, flustered and Sam sighed. Dean looked around frantically, "I need a drink."

The boys were just about to walk to the bar when a guy came up to Cas. "Hey, wanna dance handsome?" The guy asked and had a smile on his face.

Cas looked horrified. He turned to Dean for help but all the Winchester had on his face was a grin. "I, uh..." Cas stuttered. The guy grabbed Castiel's hand and pulled him away from the Winchesters.

Dean watched him being pulled towards the centre of the ground, he couldn't help but feel happy. "Oh would you look at that? The guys here have a thing for Cas!" He smiled widely and Sam raised an eyebrow.

Dean and Sam sat at the bar, ordered their drinks and started discussing their plan to catch the vampire. The older Winchester couldn't stop himself from glancing at Cas, making sure that his friend was okay.

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