The Secret Babysitter (Dean)

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Dean walked into he kitchen, looking around for that box of pie you had bought him. Licking his lips and grinning, he picked it up and walked back to the library.

"Have I ever told you that I love you babe?" He asked as he opened the box. You raised an eyebrow, "You tell me that everytime I get you pie, especially," He gave you a kiss on the cheek and you chuckled .

Dean sat down across you, taking a big bite from his cherry pie and savoring every crumb. You on the other hand were busy doing work.

While Dean and Sam are out saving the world, you're out saving people's marriages. You're a lawyer by profession.

"Well at least let me have a-"

You heard crying. Your head snapped to he baby monitor placed on the corner of the table. Dean picked it up and stared at the lights on it as the sounds of crying were emitted.

It grew louder and then it stopped, very abruptly.

Dean hit the side of the monitor, checking if it was faulty. You got up quietly and stepped out of the library, hearing for any crying.

Nothing at all.

Dean took his gun out, he was in full attack mode. You put a hand out, telling him to stay behind.

"I'll go and see her. You stay here," You instructed, "If I don't come back in two minutes... You know what to do." He was about to protest but you glared at him. He sighed and stood back, handing you the gun. You nodded and walked towards the baby's nursery.

You heard your baby coo, she sounded... Happy. You furrowed your eyebrows, approaching the door with the gun pointed ahead. You creeped towards the door, took a deep breath and slowly peeped in.

You saw a shadow. A tall, solid figure stood infront of your baby's crib. You were about to charge forward but the figure turned around.

"Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more."

The figure softly sang. You stood in the same position, peeping into the room.

The figure stepped closer to the light and you couldn't believe your eyes. It was Castiel.

Your muscles relaxed. You felt a smile curl on your lips as you watched Castiel soothe your baby girl. You saw her face, she was smiling with a hand in her mouth. She stared at Castiel with fascination.

You turned around, happy to know that your daughter was safe.

"What happened? Everything okay?" Dean questioned with concern. He jogged towards you but you held his hands and stopped him from entering the room. You placed your forefinger on your lips and looked into the room. Dean looked in as well and smiled.

"Well what do you know? 'Castiel the babysitter'," He said held you from behind. He arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He placed his chin on your head and you both swayed slowly from side to side.

"Cas loves her, doesn't he," You said, holding Dean's arms. "He does, quite a lot. The way he looks at [y/d/n], it's genuine affection," Dean said and kissed your neck. You both watched the room quietly while Cas hummed a song to your baby girl. She yawned and Cas put her back in the crib.

He kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, little one." Castiel stepped back and disappeared, feeling proud for his accomplishment.

You escaped Dean's arms, surprised at the sudden disappearance. You wanted to talk to Cas but that would have to be saved for later.

You both walked slowly towards the crib, careful not to make all the Angel's effort go to waste. You both stood at the crib, looking down upon a peaceful sleeping baby. You smiled, tucking the blankets more so that she'd stay warm.

You kissed her head and looked Dean. He was playing around with the baby monitor, making sure it wouldn't malfunction in the future for another scare.

You stroked her cheek lightly, "You have nothing to fear my baby girl, Castiel is always watching over you."

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