Destination: UNKNOWN (Jared)

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🎶: '(Everything I Do) I Do It For You' by Bryan Adams


He was acting odd. You weren't sure why and it was starting to bother you.

Jared... He's not talking to you as much for the last couple of days. Did you do something wrong? Did he do something? You had no clue.

He continued to scroll through his phone, smiling slightly from time to time then looking up to a spot and zoning out for a few moments.

You began to get frustrated. You HAVE to find out what's going on.

"Jared, what's up with you?" You questioned and he jerked his head a bit, your voice frightening him out of his thoughts.

"Uh... I'm good. Nothing's wrong," He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. You squinted, something's definitely on his mind.

"Alright, you're acting really weird for the past few days. You're constantly glued to your phone," You got up from your seat and walked towards your bedroom, "I'm going for a shower. I would invite you to join me but... you're so in love with your phone. I'll let you both have some alone time."

You grinned at him and Jared struggled to respond to your statement. "See you later Jar," You teased and shut the door after you walked into the bathroom.


The next day...

You're on your way to... somewhere. You haven't the faintest idea because your lovely fiancé wouldn't tell you anything about your final destination.

Maybe this is what is on his mind for these past days, You thought.

"How long till we reach Jar?" You sighed as your stared out of the window. He chuckled, "Patience is key." You gave him a disgusted look, "At least give me a hint of where we're going."

"It's somewhere we both will enjoy and we both will have our own good time and privacy," Jared answered and you raised an eyebrow. What the hell is on about?

Privacy? Oh that can't be good, You thought, or... can it?

You both sat in silence then you heard him sigh slowly. "Alright fine, I'll tell you," He said and you perked your ears up, "We're going somewhere fancy for something to eat okay?"

You raised an eyebrow, trying to analyse his behaviour. After not deciphering anything, you thought of an idea. "Okay, tell me the name of the place and I'll put it in the GPS," You said, opening up Google Maps.

Jared looked at you nervously, running a hand through his hair. He tried to grab the phone from you so that you'd stop using your schemes. After not being successful, he huffed and gave up.

"Tell me the name Jar, if we're actually going to a restaurant," You demanded and he stared at you as if you were a wall. He was definitely thinking of something.

"La Petit Fromage," Jared answered and you looked at him suspiciously. "Seriously? Is that even real?!" You questioned his reliability as you typed it into the search box, " 'The Small Cheese'... how creative."

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