Puddles On The Road (Castiel)

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🎶: 'I'm With You' by Avril Lavigne


You walked down a dark empty road, tired and sore. Well it wasn't that dark, street lights illuminated your path. But without them, you wouldn't be able to see anything.

"Are you in pain?" Castiel asked you, a bit weak.

You had just finished a hunt with the Angel. You had left staying with the Winchesters for a while because of some arguments and complications you had with them. You were solo for a while, till Castiel found you at a motel while you were researching about skin walkers.

He didn't like that you left the Bunker. He liked you a lot... Still does but you had to leave. So, you and him joined forces and are hunting together now. He stays with you all the time and you don't actually mind his company.

"Sort of, my back hurts and my legs ache," You answered, pressing your thighs. Cas put out his first two fingers and moved them towards your forehead.

"I can heal-"

"I'm alright Cas, really," You interrupted, "You are in no shape to heal me." He frowned. The Angel was exhausted and beat. He drooped a bit, wanting so bad to lay down. Even though Angels don't sleep, he really wanted to.

You sat down on the side of the road suddenly. Castiel was surprised and concerned. "[y/n] are you okay?" He questioned as he knelt beside you.

"I-I'm fine Cas, I'm just tired," You took a deep breath and placed your head in your hands. "Okay, we can stop here for a little bit," He said and sat next to you. He was so close that his knee touched yours.

The thing was that where your hunt took place was far from any civilization. It was in a dense forest. You planned to drive to the location but you had got the hint that the creature was close by so you abandoned the car and followed it on foot. Now, you were walking back to the car which was miles away, exhausted and barely capable of standing up straight without stumbling.

You looked to Cas and smiled tiredly, "I'm glad you're with me. I wouldn't have survived th-"

You jerked a bit as you felt a drop of water on your face.

Another drop, this time on your hand. You looked up slowly. The sky was covered in dark clouds, ready to give the ground underneath a shower.

You tapped Cas on the shoulder and pointed up. "We-We should get out of here before-"


And so it began to pour. Lightning flashed before your eyes in the distance. Cas stood up and helped you up as well. "Let's get under the trees," He said and held you by the waist. You wrapped your arm around his waist and jogged to a dense part of the forest.

You sat down under one big and lush-with-leaves tree. Castiel walked a bit ahead and you looked at him with confusion. "Castiel! What are you doing?" You questioned. He was starting to get damp, his hair was flat because of how wet it was.

He took his coat of and walked under the tree. You stared as he draped his trench coat over your shoulders. "Cas..."

"I don't want you to get cold... Get sick," He smiled softly. "But you'll get cold too," You said as he scooted over beside you. He was shivering a bit, his shirt was covered in wet patches.

You took one side of the coat and put it around his shoulders too. "I don't want you to get cold Cas," You said and held his hand. You wrapped your fingers around his hand tightly.

You'd normally not act like this around him, you never have the confidence to be this close to him. But right now, you were cold and he was cold and you both were sitting in the rain. Romantic? You weren't so sure because your feet and hands were about to turn into ice cubes.

You rested your head on his shoulder and he pulled you closer. You shivered, not because of the cold weather but because of the warmth coming from within him.

He wrapped his arm around your lower back and you did the same to him. "W-What do you think S-Sam and Dean would be do-doing right now?" Castiel asked. Sure you had a few arguments with them but you missed them a lot.

"I don't know. Maybe working on a case," You answered. Castiel was so close to you that you could hear him breathe and feel the warmth in your neck. Again, it made you shiver.

"[y/n], are you cold? Do you want my other jacket?" He asked with concern. "N-No I'm good," You said nervously. You both sat in quiet, a bit awkward, while listening to the sound of the rain. It was so peaceful that you shut your eyes. You were happy right-


You jerked forward after a big drop of water fell on your cheek. The tree wasn't doing such a great job at stopping the rain but... It was better than nothing.

Cas rested his head on the tree trunk, finally relieved to have an opportunity to sit down. You shifted a bit, turning to Castiel so that your chest was facing his side. You placed your hand on his chest. Being closer to him made everything warmer, you didn't care how awkward it was.


You jumped a bit, grabbing his shirt. He gripped you tightly, looking to the sky. Once you realized, you let go of his shirt. "Are you okay?" Castiel asked and you nodded. The wind blew harder and Cas pulled you closer to him.

"Well, I never thought I'd spend the weekend stuck in the middle of a rain storm with you," You chuckled. He smiled with his head tilted a bit, he didn't quite understand what you meant.

You smiled at his adorable expression. He was so innocent, most of the time. You just wanted to kiss him right now... For some reason.

"Um Cas... I wanted to ask you something," You said, sitting up a bit. He moved slightly, wanting to hear your question.

"What do you... What do you think about m-me?" You asked and he looked to the ground. "You're... You're, umm," Castiel started and you frowned. He didn't have an answer for-

"You're beautiful," He continued, "You're a work of art."

You froze. "W-What...?"

"You're smart and talented, you are an amazing Hunter and you are excellent at finding out about things," Castiel said, "You are the prettiest young woman I've seen in my life and I have spent a long time on Earth."

"You make me feel happy and I'm so glad I know you," Castiel said and that was it for you. He stole your heart and you had to do it.

You pulled him closer by his neck and placed your lips on his. He immediately got the idea and his hand was in your hair. You struggled to keep your hand on his face, it was wet because of the rain.

You were pushed back a bit when he moved closer towards you. You couldn't believe what was happening just now. You never thought that you'd be kissing Castiel... Ever.

"Thank you C-Cas," You said breathlessly. "You're welcome?" He was a bit confused, still surprised by the fact that you kissed him.

"I have a confession... I've always liked you but I didn't want to feel rejected so I never told you," You said as you fidgeted with your hands. He kissed your forehead and looked into your eyes, "Me too."

It felt as if the sun was shining brightly. You felt so happy right now.

But then the wind blew again and you started to shiver. "Just... Hold me. I'm freezing," You hugged his side tightly as he pulled you closer.

The rain is romantic... Well you could agree with that now, after the kiss.

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