Fitness First (Misha)

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You walked back to your trailer with Misha by your side. "Today was a good day!" He said and smiled. You nodded in agreement, "Yup, I loved the scenes today."

The day was filled with scenes of your character and Castiel talking and spending time together, being VERY close.

You stopped at your trailer door. "Hey Mish... I wanted to ask you something," You started and he looked up to you, "I know how you're pro-health and all, which is awesome." He nodded, listening intently.

"I was wondering if we could go jogging together tomorrow in the morning before the shoot," You requested, "It's an early shoot, around 8 AM I think, so we could go for a jog at around 6:15... I don't know."

"I'd love to. Yeah let's do it! Sounds great," Misha responded and you smiled with excitement. "Yay! Okay I'll see you in the morning then..." You said and hugged him. You watched him walk away, he waved before he turned at the corner.

You were looking forward to tomorrow but right now, you were looking forward to a hot shower. You usually take showers in your trailer then go to your room. You feel more relaxed that way.


Your alarm woke you up at 5:50 AM. You enjoyed morning jogs on days when you felt like it, which wasn't everyday. But today, since Misha was with you, you couldn't be more thrilled.

You freshened up and put on your jogging tights and shirt. You wore your running shoes and tied your hair into a high pony tail. You placed your headphones in your pocket, just incase, along with your phone.

You looked at the time.

6:10 AM

You didn't want to come out as too eager so you sat for the next few minutes and had a cup of coffee. When it became 6:20 AM you went over to Misha's apartment room, on the other side of the corridor, and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door opened to reveal a really energetic guy standing. "Good morning [y/n]!" Misha greeted and you returned the greeting too.

He was wearing a skin tight black shirt and black shorts. He only had socks on his feet which made you giggle. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He looked really good. The best part was that his hair was messy, you thought it made him look better.

"I just need to put my shoes on," He said and sat down to do the task. "Did you have any breakfast?" You asked, leaning at the kitchen counter. "Nah, I'll just have an apple," He said and you turned back towards a bowl of fruit.

"Heads up!" You said and threw an apple at Misha. He caught it and smiled, "Thanks!"


"So... I've heard you do 5ks and stuff. Never got the opportunity to do one and even if I do, I'd probably not succeed at it," You laughed at your lack of stamina and physical ability.

"Yeah, I like doing that stuff. It's keeps me active," He said as he jogged, you were beside him. You two were on the sidewalk close by to the hotel the cast was staying at. You planned to stay close by since you'd have to freshen up before going to the shoot.

"[y/n], tell me about yourself," Misha said and your looked to hin, "I mean, I know the general stuff about you but I've never got the chance to talk to you outside the set."

To come to think of it, you both rarely talked about your personal selves to each other, even though you both were the closest on the set. You spend half of your time on set with Misha, all by choice because he's such a great person.

"Well... What do you want to know?" You asked. "You're special. I've been trying to figure out what makes you special but I can't... Solve it," Misha said, a 'deep-in-thought' expression on his face.

Misha thinks I'm special? I'm a nobody infront of him. He can do so many things, he's such a great actor and I'm just eh, You thought and frowned.

You stopped jogging, to catch your breath. He looked at you with confusion then understood. You leaned back on a tree and he leaned on the wall across you.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Misha," You said and rubbed your arms. He looked at you, puzzled.

"I'm not special in any way. Not sure where you got that from," You said, slightly disturbed. You were about to start jogging again when Misha held your arm.

"Woah woah woah, hang on a minute," He said, "You think you aren't special? Everyone's special b-"

"Exactly, and I'm no different," You interrupted and looked to the ground.

He took a step closer. "I didn't finish," He said, "Everyone's special but you're different. You're above everyone and I can't... I can't describe it." His gaze shifted to the side, as if trying to figure something out.

You looked into his eyes, you love his bright blue eyes.

Misha looked at you with an expression of realisation. "Maybe it's because I like you," He said. You stood still, a bit zoned out.

"I-Is that a c-confession?" You asked, dreading the answer for some reason. He took a deep breath, "I guess it is."

Before you could say or do anything, you felt his lips on yours. You were pushed to the tree, you wrapped your hands around his neck. His made their way through your hair.

When he pulled away, you felt sick to your stomach. You did not expect that in a million years. You liked him from the beginning but you never anticipated that he could ever take an interest in you.

One hand stretched out and leaning on the tree, he ran his other hand through his hair. "I, uh... I'm sorry," he looked to the ground. You placed your hand on the side of his face and he looked into your eyes. You were close to getting lost in his.

"Don't be, never be. You don't know how much you've changed me. Made me become a better person," You told him. He moved closer and placed his forehead on yours. You both closed your eyes.

"I've liked you from the beginning," You both said in unison, surprising the two of you. You smiled.

"I think we should get back," He suggested, rub being his neck. "We don't speak of this... Yet," You said.

He contemplated then nodded. He stuck out his hand and you smiled. You shook it and he said, "You've got yourself a deal."

You both walked back to the hotel and on the way, you snuck your hand into his, the feeling of happiness unable to escape you.

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