CHAPTER 2: Difficult Dealing

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My mind, raging.
My breaths, quick and uneven.
Me, angry.

I scream, my hands over my ears.
Nurses and security, run into the room.
They grab my arms when I try to hit them away.
I kick my legs at them, "GO AWAY!"
"You need to calm down." one of the nurses states.
I get an arm loose and hit the security guard holding my other arm, "NO! STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
"You know that's not going to happen Tyler." The guard who I was hitting said while grabbing my other hand.
I scream again.
"Tyler calm down."
I try to pull away from the guards grip. "NO!"
I get pulled to the ground.
"Stop screaming."
The guard holds me to the floor.
"Tyler listen, you need to calm down."
I writhe in the guards grip. "I DON'T WANT TO!"
A nurse comes over, "Hold him still."
The guard does his best to keep me still but I keep moving.
More guards and nurses come over to hold me down. "STOP! LET ME GO!"
"Shh Tyler, it's okay."

My breath, rapidly slowing.
My grip, loose.
My eyes, shut.
My brain, quiet.

The nurse, removes the sedative.
The guard, carries me to my bed.
They all leave.
The room, quiet.
Me, asleep.

(Dr. James * Mrs. Joseph)

"Hello? Mrs. Joseph?"
"This is Dr. James."
"Oh hello Dr. James... Is everything okay?"
"I'm afraid not. Tyler was assigned a new therapist and has had some...... difficulty dealing."
"Oh no, not again."
"Yes again, we gave him a sedative and he's asleep right now."
"Are you coming to visiting hours today? We think it might help to see some of his family or friends."
"Yes, of course."
"Alright, I'll see you in a few hours."
"Okay, thank you, bye."

Dr. James hangs up the phone and sighs. He turns to one of the nurses, "Just when we think he's getting better, he gets worse."
The nurse nods.


The room, echoing with silence.
The air, freezing cold.
White walls, surrounding me.
Concrete floor, beneath me.
The smell, undefined.
My mind, screaming.

The nurse, cautiously shaking my shoulder, "Tyler, wake up. It's visiting hours and there's some people here to see you."
I open my eyes.
"Come on lets go."
I slowly get up.
The guards waiting at the door to escort me to the visiting room.

Down the hall, turn left.
Down another hall, turn right.
Closed doors, open.

There's a lot of people here today. I don't like it. Everyone stops talking when I walk in.

The atmosphere, uneasy, uncomfortable.
The room, quiet.
The guards, guiding me to my family.
Me, starring at everyone who stares at me.

I won't sit down, "This isn't the table were usually at, I don't like it."
"Well there's people at that table Tyler."  My mom states.
"Just have a seat okay Tyler." My dad said giving my mom a weary look.
I remain standing, "I don't want to. This isn't the table we sit at. I want to sit at our table."
One if the guards speak next, "I'll go see if the other family is willing to move."

The guard comes back a few moments later with the other family following behind him, " you guys can go to your table."
The other family was starring at me so I returned their stare as the guards pulled me toward my table, my family following.
"Thank you." My dad says to the guard and receives a nod in return.

"So Tyler, how are you?"  My dad asks.
"Good..... Where's Jay, Zack and Maddy?"
"Their at school."
I looked out the giant window that viewed the outside exercise area, "oh... I kinda wanted them to come."
"We were thinking of bringing them but we thought it might not have been such a good idea."
I gave my dad a confused look, "What do you mean?"
"Well Dr. James called me earlier and said you had some difficulty dealing with a new therapist. I didn't want your siblings to come in case you freaked out again."
I felt sad, "You think I would hurt them?"
"Well no..."  My mom sounded unsure.
I felt mad, "I want to go back to my room." I was trying to stay calm.
"You just got out here. We didn't drive all this way for you to talk to us for only two minutes."
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Just talk to us for a little longer Tyler... Please."
I frowned, " But I don't want to talk."
"Okay well how about you eat something? Before you came out Dr. James told us you didn't eat yet today."
I thought for a moment, "I guess."

One of the guards went to get me some food.
"Tyler, I want you to try harder to get better... Okay?"
I felt angry again, "What do you mean 'try harder'?! I'm trying! It's just not working!"
"Calm down sweetheart."
I want to hit something. I want to scream. I'm trying my best to get better.. I really am. Is my best not good enough?
People were starring now.
"Don't you yell at your mother."
I backed up my chair. "WHY NOT?!"
"Because I said so now stop yelling."
I stood up, "I want to go to my room."
"I want you to eat first."
'BREAK SOMETHING!' The voice in my head screamed, giving me a headache.
The guards told everyone not to worry and to just stay calm because they had this under control.
'BREAK SOMETHING!!!' I started breathing heavily as a few guards tried to grab me. I grabbed my chair and threw it at a guard.
The chair missed the guard and hit the wall, breaking and quieting the voice.

My dad grabbed me from behind holding my arms down, "NO! STOP! LET ME GO!"
"Shh Tyler, it's okay."  My dad whispered, lowering me to the ground.
I started crying.
My dad kept whispering it was going to be okay as he held me still and my mom rubbed my back.

I looked up to see a boy around my age with bright yellow hair starring at me. He looked scared but at the same time concerned. He just stood there, arms at his sides and stared. Who is he? I've never seen him here before.
I calmed down a bit and wasn't crying anymore. A guard grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet as my dad let go.
As the guard was slowly taking me out of the room, I looked back at the boy with the yellow hair again.
He gave me a small smile that was just barely noticeable.

Back in my room.
I sat on my bed.
The door opened.
The guard handed me some food and sat in the chair by the door.
I ate half of the food then started to feel sick so I stopped.
"I don't want anymore." I said quietly.
"Okay it's late, you should try to sleep."
I laid down pulling the blankets up over me as the guard left.

I didn't sleep, my mind was too busy focusing on the yellow haired boy.

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