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Ive been home for two months.
I had a tiny break down last night because I didn't want to talk to Dr. James today.
I've been doing good other then that, all the other visits were fine but last night I started panicking.
For some reason I thought he was coming today to take me back even though he wasn't.
Josh calmed me down enough for me to sleep.
He woke me up this morning with breakfast in bed.
I smiled slightly.
He kissed my forehead.
"We dont gotta tell Dr. James bout last night if ya don't want to." He said.
".. no i think we should." I said, taking a bite of the eggs he had cooked.
"you sure?" He asked.
I nodded.
I ate the rest of the food, took my medication then took a shower.
Josh joined half way through and let's just say we were in there longer then intended, not that I'm complaining.
We got out and dried off before getting dressed and going out to the living room to wait for Dr. James to arrive.
Josh turned the TV on and put his arm around my shoulders.
His other was firmly planted on my waist.
He kept wanting to kiss me and of course i let him.
Once Dr. James arrived we shut the TV off.
"So how are you doing Tyler?" Dr. James asked.
"Im doing good. What about you?" I asked.
"I'm doing good too."
I nodded.
"So is there anything you need to update me on?"
I bit my lip and looked at Josh.
He draped one of his arms over my shoulders.
I turned back to Dr. James and nodded.
"Oh?" He asked, sounding rather surprised.
"I had a mini breakdown last night." I whispered.
"What was it about?"
".... I didn't want to talk to you today and I was panicking cause I thought you were going to take me back."
"I see.... Anything else?"
I looked at Josh again then shook my head.
"Alright.. are you taking your medication?"
I nodded.
Josh leaned down and started nipping at my neck.
"That's good, last time I was here you said you were writing alot again."
I nodded, my eyes fluttering a bit from Josh's actions.
"Still writing?"
I nudged Josh a bit.
I felt him smirk against my neck.

"Alright.. Josh how's work?"
"Mm, s'good." Josh mumbled not stopping what he was doing.
Dr. James nodded, jotting something's down.
Josh moved down to the place where my neck and shoulder meet, pulling me closer to him by my waist.
I suppressed a moan.
"Have you been spending more time with your family?"
I nodded.
Josh bit down gently, I elbowed him in the stomach.
He chuckled a bit, kissing where he bit and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Any plans to go back to school or anything yet?"
"Not yet, but ive been thinking about it a bit."
Dr. James nodded.
Josh slowly inched his hand towards my crotch.
I smacked his hand away, he just chuckled softly and settled for running his hands up the front up my shirt instead.
Dr. James asked a few more questions before he stood up.
"Thanks for talking to me today, I know you said you didn't want to but I appreciate it.... Do you think I could use your guys bathroom before I leave?"
Josh nodded.
"Right down hall." He said pointing to where the bathroom was.
Dr. James disappeared down the hall and Josh picked up, placing me in his lap.
"Why are you so handsy today?"
He shrugged, hugging my waist and nuzzling his face into my chest.
I smiled and ran my hand through his hair.
Sadly his hair wasn't yellow anymore, he had shaved it and it's now back to his natural hair color.
I still like it though.
He moved up and kissed me.
I smiled into The kiss.
"M'love you." He mumbled.
"I love you too."
He pulled away and hugged me again.
"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
He nodded.
"Are you sure?"
He nodded again.
"What did you do baby?"
He pulled back and looked at me.
I took a moment to examine him.
His eyes were red and he looked kinda drowsy.
I swallowed.
He's high.
"Why?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"Tell me."
He started crying, shoving his face back against my chest.
I immediately hugged him.

"What's wrong?"
He shook his head.
"Baby you need to talk to me. Tell me what happened."
Something has to be wrong.
He only does this when somethings wrong.
It used to be just cigarettes or getting drunk but over the last month he started smoking weed and doing other stuff.
"M'love you."
"I love you too now tell me what's going on."
"Love you so much."
"Josh please."
He sniffled.
"Only love you. No one else."
"You're scaring me."
"She wouldn't leave m'lone."
"What? Who?"
"Girl from work."
"What happened?"
"She kissed me. But m'only love you. M'got mad at her. Only love you m'promise. Don't be mad at me."
I sighed.
I know who he's talking about.
There's a girl that he works with that's always trying to get with him even after he's told her no and that he's taken.
She's a bitch honestly.
"It's okay. I'm not mad."
"Love you."
"I love you too."
"M'sorry. M'love you so much. She means nothin."
"I know. It's okay."
He nodded, hugging me tighter.
"Well Tyler you handled that surprisingly well." Dr James said.
I looked over at him and nodded.
"I can't get mad at Josh. I love him too much. Also the girl he's talking about is always starting shit."
"Mm, I see. Well I gotta go so I'll see you guys next week."
"Okay, bye."
Dr.james showed himself out and Josh looked up at me again.
I kissed him.
"M'wanna show you how much m'love you." He mumbled.
"You already did in the shower. Remember?"
"Wanna show you 'gain."
I smiled.
He laid me down on the couch, kissing me again and gently grinding against me.

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