CHAPTER 23: Fever

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"I'm sorry Tyler."
"For what?"
"Earlier.. With Dr. James and stuff."
"It's okay."
"Remember when I told you I was trying to quit smoking and drinking?"
"Well I haven't done either in like a week or more and I get angry over the littlest things lately."
"That's okay.. It's just Withdrawals or whatever their called."
"When do you have to leave?"
"In like 5 minutes."
I pouted.
"I don't want you to."
"I know."
"Take me with you please."
"I wish I could."
I sighed.
"Just like sneak me out or something."
"I'd probably get arrested."
"Your staying in my old room right?"
"Can you get something for me out of it?"
"Sure what do you want?"
"My notebook. It's black.. I think I left it on my bed.. Or maybe the dresser.. I can't really remember."
"It's okay I know where it is."
I sat up and looked at him.
"You do?"
"... Yeah... I um.."
"You read it?"
"Yeah I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have."
".. It's okay I guess.. I don't mind if you did... Did anyone else?"
"Yes your mom said they all read it."
"Oh... I wish I didn't forget it.. They weren't supposed to read it."
"Are you mad that we read it?"
"I'm mad at them not you... You didn't know I didn't want people reading it.. They did."
"Oh I see."
"Can you still get it for me?"
"Thank you."
"Your welcome but I got to get going. I'll see you soon okay?"
Josh stood up and smoothed out his shirt.
He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."


I sat on my bed starring at the camera that I somehow never noticed before.
I grabbed a pillow off my bed and threw it at the camera causing it to move slightly.
The pillow hit the camera and fell to the floor.
I grabbed the other pillow and threw it as well.
The second pillow landed roughly in the same spot as the first.
The camera was now facing away from me.
I flop backwards onto the pillowless bed and stare at the ceiling.
I grabbed the edge of the bed sheet and rolled myself up in it until I fell off the end of the bed.
I just laid on the floor wrapped in the blanket.
I laid there for about four hours.

"...where are you?"
I kicked my feet up to show whoever was in the room where I was.
"What are you doing?"
"I dunno."
"Well are you going to come eat?"
"I don't want to move."
"So no?"
"I'm hungry but I don't want to move."
"Well your gonna have to if you want to eat."
"I know."
I forced myself up and untangled myself from the blanket.
I then grabbed the blanket off the floor and draped it over my shoulders.
"I'm taking this with me."
"..okay if you want to."
I trudged down the halls behind the guard to the cafeteria.
Surprisingly I ate all the food.
When I had the guard took me back to my room.
I jumped onto the bed.
"Can I have more blankets?"
"But its extremely warm in here."
"I'm freezing."
"Alright.. I'll get you a blanket but I'm also gonna get one of the nurses to come check your temperature."

"Hey Tyler.. I'm nurse Carly Anne... Can I take your temperature?"
I sat up and Nurse Carly Anne put a thermometer under my tongue.
She also put the back of her hand to my forehead.
When the thermometer beeped she took it out and looked at it.
".. Okay sweetheart why don't you lay down and get some rest. You have a fever.... Do you have a headache or anything?"
Now that I think about it.
"Alright I'll get some pain medication for you. Before I go do you want me to check on your hand?"
Nurse Carly Anne unwrapped my hand and inspected it before wrapping it back up with a new one.
"It's healing good. Lay down I'll be right back. Oh and here's that other blanket you wanted."
"Thank you."
I wrapped myself in the two blankets and curled into a ball on my bed.
A few minutes pass before the nurse came back in and gave me some pain killers.

"Can you call Josh?"
"Josh? Your boyfriend right?"
"Do you want him to come here?"
"Okay I'll go call him. Get some sleep while your waiting okay?"
"Okay. Thank you."
"Your welcome."

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