CHAPTER 10: Alive

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I'm sat in the visiting room at my table waiting to see if Josh is coming today. I absent mindedly stare out the window, in a sort of daze.

"Hi." Josh said while taking a seat and snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh hi. I got a surprise."
"Hmm what's this surprise you speak of?"
"They said their gonna let me paint the walls and they said you can help and we can start today if you want we just have to let the guards know and they'll take us to my room and I'm super excited about it cause it's the most exciting thing that's going to happen since I came here and-"
"Whoa take a breather jeez." Josh laughed.
"Oh right." I took a deep breath.
"..Sooo do you want to?"
"Of course I do! Lets go."  he said excitedly.
I got up and ran to the guards with Josh trailing behind me.
"Josh said he's okay with starting to paint the walls today." I said bouncing up and down.
"Alright lets go." the guard said taking us to my room.

When we got to my room there was five cans of paint on the floor... Red, yellow, blue, green and black. There wasn't any paint brushes tho.
"Where's the paint brushes?"
"There isn't any."
"Why not?"
"I don't know.. They probably think I'll try to hurt myself with them... WHICH I WON'T!" I yelled the last part so the guard outside the door could hear.
"Oh.. So finger painting then?"
I walked over to the yellow paint and dipped both my hands in it.
"Look Josh my hands are your hair."
He laughed and dipped his hands in the blue paint.
I then smeared the paint from my hands onto a section of a wall as did Josh.
We weren't painting anything specific we were just smudging paint everywhere.
I dipped my hands in the black paint and wrote my name with my finger.
"Josh here write your name." I said putting my hand out for him to use the paint on it.
He grabbed it and wrote his name next to mine. I smiled.
I dipped my hands in red paint next and drew a pair of eyes, it looked like the eyes were bleeding because of the color choice.

Josh was painting a small flower. I dipped my hands in a random can and flicked my hands at him. He turned around and smiled.
"Are you serious?"  he laughed.
I nodded.
He flicked his hands at me and I screamed running around.
Next thing you know me and Josh are having a full on paint fight.
There was paint on the floor and the bed. The both of us were covered in paint and laughing our heads off.
I don't remember the last time I was happy like this.
I ran to dip my hands in more paint and ended up slipping.
I sat on the ground and laughed as Josh ran over to see if I was okay, he slipped as well.
"Are you... Are you okay?" I said between laughs. He nodded with a smile.
We stopped laughing to catch our breath.
We sat crossed legged in front of each other just staring at each other.
Josh's eye's moved from mine down to my lips and he slowly leaned forward. When I caught on to what he was doing I leaned forward as well.
Our lips connected and he grabbed the back of my neck pulling me closer to him.
He sat up on his knees, guiding me to lay on my back as he hovered over me. Our lips never parting.
My paint covered hands ran down the front of his shirt mixing with the paint that was already on it.

Alive... That's what Josh makes me feel.. He makes me feel alive... When I'm with him I don't feel numb. I feel happy, I feel like I'm actually living.
I don't want this to stop.
My arms roam to the back of his neck as I start to slightly pull on the hair at the back of his head.

He slowly pulled back with his eyes still shut, both of us panting. His lips curled into a smile as he opened his eyes.
He leaned down to kiss me again when a bunch of guards burst through the door and grabbed him pulling him off me.
"No!" I screamed quickly getting up and grabbing Josh's arm.
"Stop no! Why are you taking him away?!"
One of the guards grabbed me pulling me away from Josh and putting a hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream.
Josh looked terrified, his eyes were wide and full of fear.

A few moments after Josh was pulled out of the room Dr. James came in. The guard let go of me.
"What the hell!? Where did you take Josh?! Why did you take him!?" I screamed.
"Shh Tyler its for the best." Dr. James said.
"No." I cried.
They took my happiness.

"Look Tyler I know you don't understand but just know we did it for a good reason."
"No you didn't! You did it because you seen I was finally happy! BUT NO TYLER'S NOT ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY!" I fell to the ground and sobbed. My shoulders shaking with every breath.
"Don't look at it like that Tyler." he said kneeling down and putting a hand on my shoulder.
"DON'T TOUCH ME! I HATE YOU! GET OUT! Just get out." I pointed at the door.

Dr. James sighed before standing up and telling the guards to come with him, leaving me kneeling on the paint covered floor crying.

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