CHAPTER 63: Their Scared

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Dr. James walked into the monitoring room to check on the patients.
He went to check on Tyler but the camera was off.
He didn't know what happened to it.
He left the monitoring room to go to Tyler's room to see if Tyler had broke it again.
When he walked into the room he saw Tyler and Josh asleep.
Tyler had his head on Josh's chest with an arm draped over him, while Josh had an arm around Tyler's shoulders.
Dr. James smiled slightly at the sight.
He then turned his attention to the camera which was unplugged and facing the door.
He shook his head and grabbed a chair from the hall to stand on to fix it.
Tyler woke up when he heard the chair being set on the ground.
He turned over and squinted to see Dr. James on the chair plugging the camera back in.
"Is it fixed? Does it still work? I didn't break anything did I?" Tyler questioned.
Dr. James jumped at the sudden voice and turned to Tyler.
"No you didn't break anything it still works."
Josh rolled over and wrapped his other arm around Tyler, so they were spooning.
Tyler stared up at Dr. James as he climbed down off the chair.
Tyler yawned.
Josh nuzzled his face into the back of Tyler's neck.
Tyler grabbed one of Josh's hands, intertwining their fingers and kissing the back of his hand.

Dr. James smiled at Tyler.
Tyler smiled back slightly.
"The camera is fixed.. I don't want to have to come back and fix it again so leave it alone okay?"
Tyler nodded.
Josh stirred a bit before stretching with a groan.
He pulled Tyler closer to him and kiss the back of his neck.
"Are you awake Josh?"
"Mhm." Josh responded.
"Can we go get something to eat?"
"Mmm. Yes. Give me a second."
Dr. James set the chair back outside.


"So Tyler you've been writing a lot?"
I nod.
"I'm surprised you went through that first notebook so fast."
I shrugged.
Josh sat up and stretched his arms over his head.
"Okay I'm good now."
I stood up and stretched as well.
Josh stood up and grabbed my hand, turning me to face him.
He gave me a kiss then motioned with his head for me to walk.
I smiled at him then turned to walk out of the room.
Dr. James followed out behind us.
Me and Josh went to the cafeteria while Dr. James went to his office.

"What was Dr. James doing in the room anyway?"
"Fixing the camera."
Josh nodded as we took a seat at one of the tables to eat what this place calls 'food'.
"So Josh?"
"Did you ever find an apartment?"
"An apartment? No, no. I was looking a while ago but couldn't find anything."
"Oh... Do you still talk to my parents?"
"I stop by the house every now and then to get clothes and stuff."
"Oh... Do you know why they don't come visit me?"
"Tyler can we not talk about this right now?"
I nodded and continued to eat.
My mind racing.
Josh waved his hand in front of my face then snapped his fingers a few times.
I looked over at him.
"Are you ready to go back to the room? You've been sitting there staring at your empty tray for about five minutes."
I looked down at my tray which was in fact empty.
"Oh.. um... Yeah I'm ready to go back to the room."
"Okay let's go."
I nodded and followed behind him.

Once back in the room I sat down on the bed, Josh sat next to me.
"Can we talk about it now?"
"No Tyler."
"Josh... I really need you to talk to me about this. I need you to tell me. I know that you know."
"Tyler please don't do this."
"Do they hate me?" I whisper.
I looked over at him, tears threatening to fall.
"Don't cry."
"Do they hate me?" I ask again this time my voice cracking.
"Tyler.. it's not that they hate you... It's... They.. Tyler please let's not talk about this."
"Please Josh."
"They... Their.. their scared."
"Their scared of me?"
"I don't want them to be."
"I know you don't."
"I feel like they hate me.... Maybe they do.. maybe they should.... I hate me.... So they should too."
"Tyler. Don't talk like that."
I turned to shove my face into Josh's side.
He hugged me tightly.
Each breath I took was struggled.
"Your okay."
My thoughts were a mess right now.
I couldn't think straight.
I'm trying so hard to be better.
I'm trying so hard not to have a mental break down again.
But it's hard when your brain won't shut up.
"Would you want to see your parents?"
I nodded quickly, almost desperately.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called someone, still hugging me tightly.
"Hello Mrs. Joseph."
It's my mom.
"Tyler wants to see you guys."
I squeezed my eyes shut.
"I know. I promise you he's not going to do anything."
I sniffle.
"He's sitting in my arms right now crying because he thinks you guys hate him."
I choke on sob, he rubs his hand up and down my back.
"Alright, yeah, see you soon."
He hung up his phone and threw it to the side, using both arms to hug me again.
Slowly he rocked us.
"Their own their way okay?"
I nod.

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