CHAPTER 30: Shots

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I just finished my shift and to say I'm tired is an understatement.
I worked from six am til six pm.
I'm on my way back to Tyler now.

I walk into his room completely ignoring the guard and his greetings and flopped onto the bed with a inhuman noise.
"How was work?"
"What did you have to do?"
"Stock shelves, carry boxes, clean up messes that kids would make, carry heavy items out to elderly peoples cars, all that stuff."
"Yeah. My back is killing me."
Tyler crawled over the bed and kneeled next to me.
"Roll over."
"Roll over."
I sighed and rolled onto my stomach.
Tyler sat on my lower back.
"What are you doing?" I muffled into the pillow.
He gently ran his hands up my back then back down.
"I'm taking your shirt off."
He said and before I got to respond he was already pulling it up.
I moved and helped him take it off.
"Lay back down."
I obliged.
He started to massage my back and I groaned feeling my muscles relax.

After a while I got sleepy so I told Tyler to stop and thanked him.
I pulled him down next to me and pecked him on the cheek.


This started to become a routine.
I'd wake up early, go to work, come back, Tyler would rub my back (even though I told him he didn't have to) and then we would go to sleep.
This has been happening for the last week.

I had today off.
I was sound asleep when Tyler flicked the light on.
I groaned and pulled the blankets up to shield my eyes.
"Your gonna be late Josh."
"I'm off today come back to bed."
"Oh.. Well sorry then."
He shut the light off and crawled in next to me.
I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him up against me nuzzling into the back of his neck and tangling my legs with his.
He started playing with the fingers on the hand that was holding him to my chest.
Then he intertwined our fingers.
I softly kissed the back of his neck.
He softly kissed the back of my hand.
I smiled.
He started grinding backwards into my crouch.
"Tyler." I warned.
"I don't want to."
I let go of him and rolled away as he continued moving his hips.
He whined and sat on my back because I was now laying on my stomach.
"Tyler no. I'm tired baby."
"I know."
"Then let me sleep please."
"But I want to cuddle."
"I tried to cuddle you."
"I won't do it anymore."
We got back into the position we were in a few minutes ago and I fell back to sleep.


I opened my eyes to see Tyler only centimeters away from my face and jumped back.
He giggled.
"Its okay."
"I have to go."
"Okay give me a sec."
"No not like that."
"What are you talking about then?"
"I got to leave the room for a bit."
"And go where?"
"With the nurse."
"Don't worry about it. I just wanted to tell you so that you don't wake up to me missing."
"Am I allowed to come?"
".... No..."
"Oh... Okay..."
"Are you still gonna be here when I get back?"
"Okay I'll see you later then."
He quickly pecked my lips and ran out of the room.


"Do I really have to?"
"I don't want to."
"I know."
I sighed and rolled up my sleeve.
The nurse wiped a spot on my upper arm clean with a sanitary wipe.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I felt the needle pierce my skin and I winced.
"It's done? There's only one?"
"No there's still two more."
I let the nurse give me the final two shots.
I usually don't let them give me shots cause I don't like them but I let them today in hopes that if I continue cooperating they'll let me leave soon.
I don't even know what the shots are for but we get them at the same time every year.
"Good job Tyler."
I nodded.
"Since your in here already I'm going to do a little check up as well okay?"
The nurse took my blood pressure, checked my throat and nose, you know regular check up stuff.
"So do you still have headaches in the mornings?"
"No... Well rarely."
"Well that's good."
"Is there anything that your concerned about that you want me to check before you go?"
"Okay well then your good to go back to your room."

I opened the door and walked in.
Josh was sitting on the bed talking to someone on the phone, clearly not in a good mood.
I sat next to him and he jumped.
Did I really scare him? Did he not see me come in?
"Yeah okay whatever I got to go bye."
He quickly hung up with an angry sigh.
"...who was that?"
"No one."
"... Well it had to be someone."
"I know... It was my parents."
"Anyway so what happened? Why did you have to go with the nurse?"
"To get my shots."
"Shots? For what?"
I shrugged.
"Dunno they just make us get them every year."
"Their probably flu shots or something."
"Can we go eat?"
"I'll bring you there but I have to go."
"I'll be back later.. Hopefully."
"Where are you going? I thought you didn't have work today."
"I don't but I have to go see my parents I don't want to go cause all their going to do is yell at me but I don't really have a choice because it's like court stuff."
"Yeah... It's about getting the rest of my stuff that I didn't have room to take or enough time to grab before I left."
" do you want me to take you to the cafeteria?"
" I'm okay."
"You have to go eat Ty."
"No I'm.. I'm not hungry."
"Then why did you ask to go?"
"I don't know."
"Okay.. Well I have like thirty minutes to get there so I better get going."
"I love you."
He placed a kiss to my forehead.
"I love you too."
I grabbed him and kissed his lips before he moved away.
I gave a little wave before he shut the door then flopped backwards onto the bed.
My arms hurt from the shots.
I'm supposed to keep moving them but they feel heavy, I don't like it.

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