CHAPTER 70: Home.

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"Ty?.... Tyler baby wake up."
"Hmm what?"
"Come on. Get up."
"Did you forget what today is?"
My eyes shot open and I smiled.
Dr. James and Dr. Hawley were already standing in the room waiting to escort me out.
Josh was standing by the bed.
I crawled out of the bed and gave Josh a hug.
"What's this for?"
"Nothing... Just wanted to hug you."
"Okay. Come on let's go."
He picked up the stuff we were taking with us and walked over to the door.
I stopped before a left and took one last look at the room.
I took a deep breath and nodded to myself before walking out completely.
I couldn't stop smiling the whole way down the hall.
We walked out the front of the building, I was clutching to Josh's hand.
"Alright Tyler. I'll see you at the end of the week to check up on you okay?"
I nodded.
"See you around Tyler."
I nodded again and gave both Dr. Hawley and Dr. James a firm handshake.
Dr. James gave Josh a bottle of my medication and a prescription to get more before we turned to go get in Josh's car.
He put the stuff in the backseat and I climbed into the passenger seat.
He got in a few seconds later and turned to look at me.
"You ready?"
I nodded.
He started the car and the both of us buckled.
He pulled out of the parking space and the both of us waved to Dr. James and Dr. Hawley.
As we drove I started to tear up.
"What's wrong?"
Josh glanced at me before turning back to the road.
"Nothing." I smiled.
"Just happy."
He smiled as well and took my hand in his.

It feels so weird to be in a car.
But I'm enjoying it.
I wiped my eyes with my free hand and watched the trees go by.
Before I knew it we were pulling into my parents driveway.
Memories from when I was a kid flooded to my memory and I smiled.
We went in and we're greeted by my family.
They all gave me hugs, except Zack, he was in his room.
"He just wouldn't come out." My mom said.
"It's okay.. I'll go talk to him."
I ran up the stairs and knocked on his bedroom door.
He opened it and stared at me.
I opened my arms and he walked into them starting to cry.
"I'm sorry Tyler.. I'm such an asshole." He cried.
I shushed him and told him it was okay.
After a while he pulled away.
I gave him a smile then me and Josh went up to my room.
We packed my clothes and anything else I wanted to take with me.
We said goodbye to everyone and got back in the car.
We stopped at taco Bell to eat.
It tasted soooo much better then the food at the hospital.
I practically moaned at the first bite.
After we went to the apartment.
"Ready to go in?"
I nodded and opened the door.
I helped him carry some of my stuff in.
After we set what we had carrier in on the floor and ball of fur ran down the hall and came over to smell me.
I kneeled on the floor and pet him, a smile on my face.
"Josh he's so cute." I cooed.
He hummed.
"I'm going to go get the rest of your stuff you can go explore."
I nodded continuing to pet Finn.
I took off my shoes and went about walking around the apartment.
It was really nice.
Finn followed me around as I walked.
Once Josh had everything inside he closed the door and came over to me.
"So.. what do you think?"
"I love it."
"Wanna come help me put away your clothes and stuff?"
I nodded.
We spent the next few hours doing that, while goofing off and dancing to music Josh had put on.

Once we had finished we both collapsed on the bed.
"Where do you want to eat?"
"I don't know."
"Why don't we go have one of those stero typical romantic dates at a fancy ass restaurant?"
I giggled.
So we got ready and went out.
We had a great time and the food was amazing, well I also said taco Bell was amazing because it was but this was just something else.
By the time we got back Josh was kissing me before we even got in the door.
He unlocked it and pushed me through, kicking it closed behind him.
He bent down and picked me up, carrying me to the bedroom.
I giggled as he did so.

(Okay so they do they nasty and yeah Kay bye)

"You okay?"
I nodded.
He sat for a few minutes.
"Come on.. let's go clean you up."
I nodded tiredly.
He stood up and stretched.
"Joshie?" I whispered.
He looked at me.
I pulled my arms up and he picked me up, carrying me to the bathroom and giving me a bath.
I was so tired I fell asleep in the tub.


I woke up the next morning, a pain in my lower back.
I ignored it and cuddled further into Josh's arms.
He woke up and groaned.
He looked at me with one eye open.
"How you doing?"
"A little sore."
"I'm sorry."
"I wasn't complaining."
I smiled.
He shook his head playfully and kissed me.
"So how was your first day home?"
"Fucking amazing."

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