CHAPTER 6: Smile

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"Tyler it's visiting hours and your parents and siblings are here... Do you want to go out and see them?... We could bring them in here if you want."
Nurse Bella asked.
I didn't respond.
"They really want to see you.."
I want to see them too...
"Were going to bring them here... Okay?"

A few minutes past before my family walked through the door. I could see them out of the corner of my eye. I was still staring blankly ahead at nothing. I still haven't moved nor spoke.
"Hey Ty!" my little brother Jay jumped on the bed in front of me.
It's been a while since I've seen Jay or Madison or Zack... Are the other two here?
"Ty?" there's Madison... What about Zack?
"Mom why isn't he moving?" Zack asked. There he is.
"I'm not sure sweetheart..."
I want to give them a hug.
"Is he okay?" Zack asked
"We don't know."
I'm okay Zack ... I think... I don't know.....

"Ty? ... Can you play with us please?"
I want to Madison... I really do...
I move my gaze from the wall to Madison... That's the most I've been able to do all day... Lets see if I can keep it up.
"He's looking at me... Is that good mom?"
"Yes hunny that's great."

It felt as though all at once I regained control of my body and was able to do stuff again... Maybe I just missed my family.
"Hi Maddy" My voice cracked slightly from not speaking all day.
"I'll go get Dr. James"  my mom said before leaving the room.
I gave my dad a confused look.
"Why does mom have to go get Dr. James?"
"Because you haven't done anything today... He told us to tell him if you do."
I nodded.

Madison jumped on me and gave me a hug followed by Jay doing the same.
Zack just kind of stood there.
I looked at him and frowned slightly.
"Zack... " he's the one who's been most off since that episode I had in front of him.
"What?" he answered.
"....I don't get a hug from you?"
He hesitantly walked over to me.
I gave him a hug but he didn't return it. I frowned more.

"... Zack."
I was quiet for a moment contemplating asking him what I was about to ask him.
" you hate me or something now?"
" I just... I don't know... I'm scared I'll do something to upset you."
So He's scared of me.
"Oh... I'm sorry.... I don't want you to be scared of me.... It wasn't your fault that time I had that episode... You know that right?"
"But it was my fault."
"No it wasn't.... It's no ones fault... If it's anyone's fault its mine."
He gave an uncertain look.
"It's whatever's going on up in my brains fault... I can't control when it happens it just does... I wish it didn't I hate it.... So don't blame yourself."
He nodded before giving me a real hug which made me smile.

Just then my mom returned with Dr. James.
"Hello Tyler.. I see your doing pretty okay now... Do you know what was wrong?"
I shook my head. "I wanted to move and wanted to speak... I could hear everyone talking and I knew they were there but I couldn't do anything to tell them I could ... It felt weird. Like my whole body including my brain was numb.... I was kinda scared if I'm honest I didn't really know what was happening."
"Hmm interesting... How did you get it to stop?"
I shrugged. "I don't know... Madison wanted me to play with her then I just didn't feel numb anymore and I could move again."
"Okay...... Oh before I forget there was a boy out in the visiting room asking for you."
I perked up a bit. "Did he have yellow hair?" I said excitedly bouncing on my knees a bit.
"Why yes he did."
".. Can I.. Um can I talk to him?"
My family were giving me a confused stare and I felt myself shrink back a bit.
"..If you want to but it will have to wait until your family leaves.. But only if there's enough time left in visiting hours after they leave."
"Oh.." my voice held disappointment because I knew my family would be here until visiting hours end.

Dr. James left soon after.
"What boy was Dr. James talking about Tyler?"
"Um .. The boy with the yellow hair... His name is Josh and he has a really cool tattoo sleeve thingy and a nose ring... He's super nice."
I could tell by the way my moms face scrunched she didn't approve of him. Probably because of the tattoos and piercings.
"He sounds cool." Zack said. He seems to be getting back to his ol' self.
"He is..." I turned my focus to my parents. " you guys probably seen him the last time you were here... When I had the episode in the visiting room .. He was there then."
"I don't remember seeing anyone there to match that description."
I didn't bother prying on the subject any longer cause I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with it.

I turned my attention to my siblings and asked them how school was doing and stuff like that. I talked to them for about thirty minutes.
".. I don't want to sound rude or like I don't appreciate you all visiting me ... But I kinda want to talk to Josh."
"I don't think that's a good idea Tyler... He doesn't sound like he'd be a good influence."
I frowned at my mom.
"B-but he is... He's really really nice."
"We should probably get going anyway.. We got to get the kids back to school." my dad spoke to my mom.
She nodded and I said goodbye to everyone.

Not to long after they left a few guards came in my room with Josh. He smiled and gave a little wave.
"Hey!" I said and ran over to him.
"Hi" he sounded a little uneasy.
"Are you okay?"
"Yea.. It's just a little different coming into your room."
"Oh yea the rooms pretty boring... It gets lonely a lot but there's nothing I can do about it."
"It must suck having to be in here all the time " he said making his way over to my bed and sitting down.
"Yea it does... I hate being here but I kinda have to until they think I'm well enough to leave."
"Oh... Everything in here is so... Bland... Like it's all white ... Where's the creativity?"
"I ask that a lot..  My therapist is trying to get them to let me paint the walls but they said they'll think about it so it's not positive."
"They should totally let you paint the walls... It'd be sick."
"Yeah... It be even better if they let you help."
"Why is that?"
"Well cause you seem like you would have some creative outlooks on it... Because of your tattoo and your hair... Their full of creativity."
"I guess your right."
"Your hair still makes me happy."
He smiled.
"... Your smile makes me happy."
"My smile?"
"Yes... Like you just smiled and it made me happy. I like your smile. Its almost like a light in the dark... It's one of those smiles that know matter how your feeling it'll make you smile."
He smiled again. I could stare at his smile all day. I smiled from staring at his smile.
"I like your smile." he said.
"Your smile makes ME happy."
I felt myself blush and put my hands up to my face to hide it.
He frowned and grabbed my hands pulling them away from my face.
"Don't hide your face... It's too beautiful for you to hide it."
My cheeks grew warmer and I looked at the ground playing with my fingers. "Thanks."
He smiled again.

We talked for a little while longer before the guards said he had to go which made me sad.
"I'll be coming tomorrow... After I talk to y'know the person I come here to see I'll come see you."
I smiled."really?"
He nodded.
We said our goodbyes.
I had a permanent smile on my face the rest of the day.

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