CHAPTER 49: Don't Hurt Josh

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I woke up and Josh wasn't in the room.
I didn't even care.
I sat up and hugged a pillow.
I didn't receive an answer but what did I expect.
I sighed and hugged the pillow tighter.
I have a strong urge to hit someone.
Yes someone, not something, someone.
I felt myself start to shake as I tried to calm down.
Josh walked in then.
My head snapped in his direction.
"Are you okay Tyler?"
I just stared at him.
I clenched my fists.
My eyebrows furrowed.
"Tyler your scaring me."
I stood up still griping the pillow.
I can't hurt Josh.
I can't hurt Josh.
I can't hurt Josh.
I repeated in my head over and over.
Josh slowly pressed the buzzer.
Don't hurt Josh.
Don't hurt Josh.
Don't hurt Josh.
Josh looked scared.
Well if I were in his position I'd be scared to.
Suddenly I felt a burst of rage spread through my body.
I screamed and jumped at Josh.
Before I got to him the door opened and Kenny grabbed me.
I struggled in his grip and screamed.
"Stop it Tyler! What the hell has gotten into you!?"
I don't know where I got the strength to do it but I flipped Kenny over my shoulder, making him land on his back.
I clenched my teeth and crawled onto his stomach before throwing punches.
Josh grabbed me and pulled me off Kenny.
"Tyler stop it!"
I ended up biting Josh and he let go of me muttering. "Son if a bitch."
I turned around and tired to pull Josh to the ground but he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
I growled angrily, kicked my legs and pounded my fists against his back.
"Tyler stop it what the hell!"
I wiggled around hoping Josh would put me down.
I did get down but not in the way I hoped.
Josh lost his grip on my and I fell to the floor.
How I wasn't hurt hurt? I don't know but I got back up immediately.
"Tyler calm down!"
Why did I start crying? I don't know.
I'm still angry but now I'm crying as well.
"Tyler what happened why are you acting like this?"
Kenny started walking toward me.
I kneed him in the stomach.
"What the fuck?!"
I turned around gripping my hair and leaned against the wall, my back facing Kenny and Josh.

Josh said taking slow steps toward me.
He put his hand on my shoulder and I whipped around and punched him in the jaw.
He cradled his jaw in his hand.
Then my eyes widened when I realized what I was doing. (I can't not yet.)
"Josh! Josh I'm sorry!"
I was still shaking.
He groaned.
Kenny was gone.
Where did he go?
I walked toward him a bit.
He took a step back.
I felt angry again and punched him in the stomach.
"Tyler what the hell?! What did I do?!"
I punched Josh again this time busting his lip.
"Fuck Tyler! Stop it what the fuck?!"
I went to punch him again but he grabbed my wrists and pinned me again the wall.
"What the hell are you doing?"
He looked at me with a scared expression.
Kenny came back in the room accompanied by Dr. James and a few other guards. No nurses tho.
I kicked Josh where the sun don't shine, causing him to let go of me, cry out in pain and fall to his knees with his hands between his crotch.
Dr. James' eyes widened.
"Tyler whats wrong? Why did you just do that?"
"Tyler stop screaming."
Josh was still on his knees holding his junk with his head hung low.
I kicked Josh again, hard.
He yelped.
"Tyler stop it!"
Josh used one of his hands to reach up and stop me from kicking him again.
"Tyler stop this."
I used my other leg to kick him.
He grunted then struggled to stand up.
Once he did he grabbed both my wrists and held the together.
I yanked them out of his grip and tried to run away.
Josh went to grab me and I slipped trying to move away from him.
Then darkness.


"Shit Tyler!" I screamed as Tyler slipped and hit his head of the post at the end of the bed.
I ran over to him he was knocked out.
"Josh just leave him, well take care of him you get to a nurse."
"Your lip is bleeding."
I lifted my hand up and gently touched my lip.
There was in fact blood.
"Okay yeah I should probably go see a nurse."
Dr. James nodded and I followed one of the guards out of the room and to a nurses office.

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