CHAPTER 59: It's Here

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(sorry for taking so long to update. My phone broke and then I had to re-write a bunch of chapters and stuff but yeah here you go.)

I started pounding my fists against the door.
I can't take in any more.
I need to get out.
I keep seeing things and hearing things.
It's in here.
I screamed.
A few minutes passed before I heard the lock open followed by the door doing the same.
I tried to run out but Dr. Hawley stepped in front the door frame blocking it.
I ran into him and tried to push him out of the way.
He grabbed my arms and kneeled down a bit to be level with my height.
"You had enough?"
I tried to pull my hands out of his grip but I failed.
"Are you going to be good this time?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Please! Please!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Please! I'm sorry! I promise! I PROMISE!"
He let go of my hands and I bolted out the door leaning against the wall on the other side of the hall staring into the room like I just came out of hell.
I watched as the door closed.
Then Dr. Hawley grabbed my arm and led me through the halls.
When we got back to my room it was still a mess.
Josh was sat in the chair.

"The r-room isn't cleaned."
"No it's not."
"Why n-not?"
"Because your going to clean it."
I looked around the room.
Flashbacks of what happened flowing through my mind.
He let go of my arm, pushing me forward slightly.
"Get to work."
I stared at him as he closed the door and left.
I turned to Josh.
He smiled.
I didn't.
"H-how long was I in there."
"All day yesterday and all night."
I nodded.
"Your shaking again."
I didn't even realise I was.
Josh then looked very worried.
"Are you okay?"
He stood up and walked to me.
I shook my head.
He hugged me.
"What's wrong?"
"I-it was after me."
"What was?"
"I-i don't know. But I heard it. I-it was in the walls."
"In the walls?"
"Of the s-safe room. I-it was in there with me."
"Whats it?"
"T-the demon."
"It w-was trying to get me."
"W-what if it followed me out?! Its going to get me Josh! Don't- don't let it! Please!"
"Shh shh shh hey nothings after you."
"It-it followed me out its going to get me! I'm going to die! It's going to kill me!"
"Shh hey your not going to die. What are you talking about?"
I grabbed onto Josh's arms.
I heard a noise.
It's here.
"No no no no no please please!"
"What? Whats going on?"
"It's here. It's here. Its here."
"Shh nothings here."
My fingers dug into his arm as I looked around in panic.
"Tyler its okay there's nothing here."
The door opened and I threw myself into Josh's arms.
"Tyler It's just Dr. Hawley."
"No no no it's- it's in here! It's going to get me!"
"Tyler what are you talking about?"
Remember when I said being in the safe room messes me up?
This is what I'm talking about.

"Please get it out!"
"There's nothing here."
"Don't let it get me!"
"Tyler calm down."
I jumped and wrapped my legs around Josh as I 'saw' it run past my feet with a loud yelp.
"Tyler chill there's nothing here."
He said putting his hands under my butt so I wouldn't fall.
"Josh please don't let it get me."
"There's nothing here."
I was crying at this point.
I shoved my face into his neck.
I screamed.
Josh slowly walked backwards and sat down on the chair with me on his lap.
"Shh baby there's nothing here. Nothing's after you. Nothing's going to get you. You're okay."
I was hyperventilating.
"Shh shh breathe."
"Stop screaming."
"Don't worry Josh. It happens."
"What happens?"
"No no no no." I cried.

Dr. Hawley left, coming back a few minutes later with a sedative.
"No no! Don't no it'll get me if I sleep!"
"Josh hold him still."
I tried to get out of Josh's grip but it was too tight.
The needle pinched my skin and soon I was asleep.


I just woke up.
The rooms clean.
Josh is asleep beside me.
I looked around, I'm scared.
I roll over by Josh and shake his shoulder.
"Mm what?"
"Wake up."
I heard a banging noise, my breathing instantly increasing.
"It's still here."
"Tyler there's nothing here. Go back to sleep."
"No it's in here Josh. I don't know where but it's here."
"Go to sleep. I promise there's nothing here."
"No Josh listen to me!"
I grabbed his shoulder and rolled him onto his back, quickly straddling him.
"It's here!"
He stared up at me with tired eyes.
"There's nothing here."
I stared crying.
"Hey hey hey don't cry. What's wrong?"
"Hey don't yell."
Another bang.
My head jerked to look around the room, my fingertips digging into Josh's arms.
"Tyler your hurting me."
"NO! Josh please!"
"What please what?"
I sniffled.
"I'm scared."
"It's here Josh. I'm telling you it's here."
"Baby baby baby look okay listen to me Tyler. There isn't anything in here okay? I promise you there's nothing there."
He said grabbing the sides of my face to make me look at him.

"But I can hear it."
"Hear what?"
I heard the bang again and jumped.
"You didn't hear it?"
"The banging?"
"Tyler baby that's just one of the other patients. They've been doing that for a while."
I drew in a shaky breath.
"I hate the safe room." I whispered, realizing I've been freaking out over nothing.
"I know."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize."
I nodded.
I was still looking around the room cautiously.
"Are you okay?"
I nodded.
"Yeah. Just need to calm down a bit."
"Come here."
He grabbed me and gently moved me so I was laying on top of his chest.
I stuck my face in his neck.
He rubbed my back, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
After a while I calmed down I crawled off of him and walked over to the door.
Josh stared at me questionably.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to use the bathroom."
"Oh. Okay let's go then."

Eventually we got back to the room.
I sat on the bed.
"What do you want to do now?"
He looked shocked for a moment.
He probably thought I was going to tell him to touch me or something.
"I want to write."
"Okay.. um.. want to go talk to Dr. James?"
I nodded.
We left the room and went to Dr. James office.
He was talking to Dr. Hawley who looked at me when we walked in.
I hid behind Josh.
"Yes?" Dr. James asked.
"Tyler you wanted to ask Dr. James something?"
Josh moved and placed me in front of him.
I swallowed nervously and looked at the floor.
"I-i want to write."
"You want to write."
I nodded.
"Um okay.. uh.." he looked around his desk for a few seconds before grabbing a blue notebook and handing it to me along with a pencil.
I slowly grabbed it.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
"Your welcome."
Dr. Hawley was still looking at me.
I glanced up at him then turned and walked out of the room. Josh followed.
We headed back to the room again and I sat on the bed.
I opened the notebook to the first page and started writing.

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